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Association News

The answer is easy, yes! According to the 2021 DIRT report, in Alberta alone, we experience 15.2 hits every day! That means that every day we risk people’s lives and livelihoods by not following Ground Disturbance best practices.

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Brr! It’s that time of the year again when “Fall” is the official season, but as most Canadians know, that just means “Winter, but with a couple more 2°c days”. Operations have successfully wound down, and now that things aren’t quite frozen, but are mucky and cold and generally unpleasant, Excavators have thrown in the proverbial towel for the year and are getting ready to hunker down with the rest of us.
Even those of us not directly involved in IT can identify the growing trend in cyber attacks and increased risk to the business. A brief review of media articles on the subject alone indicates that we are facing unprecedented and increasing threat levels from ransomware, phishing, DDOS, data theft, data leaks, and other cyber-attacks.

What is RFID Infrastructure Management?
Safe Locate Solutions Inc.®
The highest standard of safety & quality control for mapping, locating and excavating assets. Installing 3M RFID markers alongside current excavation and locating procedures provides pinpoint accuracy, photos of facility, depth of cover, hazards etc. linked to each marker accessible via smartphone or tablet. User friendly & designed for frontline construction teams who need this information the most!   Safer ground disturbance, lowered carbon footprint, cost savings. Contact Safelocates for info today:
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The Canadian Common Ground Alliance recently released the 2021 Damage Information Reporting Tool Report (DIRT Report). Utility Safety Partners’ Contact Centre Manager, Josef Rosenberg, is the current Chair of the CCGA Damage Reporting and Evaluation Committee and primary author of the report
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Every winter, hundreds of vehicles leave the road and collide with electrical power facilities like power poles and transformers. Knowing what to do, could mean the difference between life and death. 

Locate Management Institute
First Alert Locating Ltd.
Natural disasters are harrowing and can be really frightening when they impact your family, property and livelihood. The effects of the fires, floods and landslides in British Columbia in 2021 will be felt by those landowners for a long time. These disasters can change the contours and topography of the land through erosion, scour and debris left behind, and the drainage that was present before the disaster may not be there anymore.
Alberta One Call offers Enhanced Ticket Services!
PelicanCorp Canada®
Alberta One Call is offering an Enhanced Ticket Service to its members. In a partnership with PelicanCorp this service helps reduce time and costs associated with responding to incoming requests for locates. The incoming requests are screened, evaluated and forwarded automatically. This enhanced process can automatically warn of excavations around critical infrastructure and send out notices on permit requirements or special environmental conditions.
For Enhanced Membership Benefits Click Here
It’s been over three years since Alberta’s Damage Prevention Stakeholders have gathered to share, learn, grow, celebrate achievements and set education and awareness targets for the future. Since the last time we gathered, there have been many changes. At any other time, unifying the collective resources of Alberta One-Call Corporation, the Alberta Common Ground Alliance and the Where’s the LINE? campaign would have been the biggest story in between conferences but the global pandemic stole that headline away.

3-D Line Locating (2011) Ltd.
3-D Line Locating (2011) Ltd.
Your Damage Prevention Training Partner
Global Training Centre®
Global, the Leader in Ground Disturbance Training since 1989. Qualified licensees across Canada, your training provider approved for Ground Disturbance 201 in Classroom, Online, and Virtual delivery.  When working around underground infrastructure having trained and competent workers is a must! Global trains in the delivery method of choice, our classrooms or yours, Instructor Led, online, or virtually, to the level you require (Awareness – Supervisory).  Your Training – Your Choice!
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Your natural gas appliances are designed to operate safely but, like everything used on a daily basis, they do need proper care. Staying safe means being aware and taking the time to ensure that your appliances are operating properly.
IVIS Construction Inc.
ASTEC Safety Inc.