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APMA News Brief
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March 10, 2022 In This Issue
National News
What PATIENTS Are Reading
Microemulsion Delivers… Remarkable Results!
The Tetra Corporation®
Microemulsion Technology provides Podiatrists with better penetration and better results. With small particle size Formula 7®’s antibacterial and antifungal properties deliver the benefit of multiple products in a single tube or jar. The leader in Tolfnaftate Technology since 1986! Formula 7®is the first tolnaftate microemulsion utilizing soluble tolnaftate, the technology developed by the Tetra Corporation.
Learn more
National News
Active listening and being present are among skills that can help one be a better communicator.
Job gains in health-care improved dramatically from January to February, according to new government data, with physician offices adding more than 15,000 jobs.
Editor’s note: APMA is here for you at every stage of your career. Members have exclusive access to the APMA Career Center and all APMA’s practice management and reimbursement resources
Bausch Health
Results from a new survey of medical practices indicate continued frustration with prior authorization requirements.
It's important to explore one's options when reviewing types of malpractice insurance.
Editor’s note: APMA provides Medical Liability/Malpractice Reform resources for members. 
Total Ancillary: Private Practice Advanced Wound Care Experts
Total Ancillary Services®
Total Ancillary provides multiple skin substitute products in one vendor, a revolutionary software portal to manage the process, and world-class customer service. Providers using Total Ancillary for biologics (1) Have More Covered Product Options to offer their patients, (2) Treat More Patients More Confidently, and (3) Promote Superior Clinical Outcomes versus traditional wound care.
Learn More and Schedule a Call TODAY
What Patients are Reading
Good arch support is a key feature to look for in shoes for those with flat feet.
Editor’s note: Recommend APMA’s running shoe guide for different arch types and APMA Seal-Accepted products to your patients. 
Seeing a podiatrist is an important part of foot care for those with diabetes.
Editor's note: Share APMA's diabetes educational materials with your patients.
Selecting the right shoes for one's specific issues can help in reducing knee pain.
Power Diary®
Power Diary now includes a complete Practice Operations Manual providing a set of policies and procedures that practices can configure to meet their businesses' needs, set standards for the workplace, and maintain professional operations. Developed by a team with over 50 years of industry experience, this game-changing feature is available exclusively to all Power Diary customers! 
A study focusing on physicians in Maryland found that male physicians were paid much more than female physicians across specialties.
More than 70 health-care organizations have asked the federal Drug Enforcement Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services to make permanent a waiver that allows physicians to prescribe controlled substances without an in-person visit.
More training and education for both patients and health-care workers are important for the continued growth of telehealth services.
Technology that can ease workloads can have a positive impact on staff retention.
Disclaimer: Stories from sources other than APMA do not necessarily reflect APMA positions or policies. APMA does not endorse these stories. This content appears in the News Brief to enhance members' understanding of how media coverage shapes perceptions of podiatric medicine, and to educate members about what their patients, legislators and other healthcare professionals are seeing in the media.



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