Singularity University is holding its Exponential Medicine Conference, a look at how technologists are redesigning and rebuilding today's broken health care system.
Just 25 percent of health care institutions with an official mobile messaging platform use internal, company-authorized tools. The rest make use of consumer apps that don't offer the security needed to comply with regulations.
It’s open enrollment season for health insurance, which means it’s also prime time for scammers looking to prey on people trying to find affordable medical coverage, prescription plans, and the like.
Some patients have shared that eating tomatoes caused them to experience gout flares, but these anecdotal claims have not been substantiated by medical literature — until now.
Two-thirds of the nation's health care provider organizations have experienced some kind of cyberattack in recent years and increased spending on data security hasn't improved the industry's readiness against attacks.
Top senators from both parties say they see momentum building to repeal the "Cadillac Tax" on high-end health plans, though they still have major questions about how to pay for it and what the negotiations would look like.