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APMA News Brief

American Podiatric Medical Association

National News
With anxiety rising over the potential for a physician shortage in the years to come, a push is on for interstate medical licensure.

Visit http://www.healthleadersmedia.com/content/PHY-307170/Interstate-Medical-Licensure-Could-Ease-Physician-Shortages to view the full article online.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to mend what President Barack Obama called a broken health-care system, but its best-known programs — online insurance and expanded Medicaid for the poor — affect a relatively small portion of Americans.

Visit http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/health-laws-center-for-medicare-and-medicaid-has-its-skeptics-about-innovation/2014/08/10/36882e1c-1c22-11e4-ae54-0cfe1f974f8a_story.html to view the full article online.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments program (aka the Sunshine Act) just got much cloudier. Click here to continue reading.

Editor’s note: Read more details about APMA’s Sunshine Act advocacy efforts on APMA.org.
In May 2009, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), under the auspices of the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System final rule, introduced revisions to the ambulatory surgery center (ASC) Conditions for Coverage (42 CFR 416.2 – 416.52).

Visit http://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/articles/2014/08/compliance-with-infection-control-conditions-for-coverage-in-ascs.aspx to view the full article online.

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What Patients are Reading
Pedicures can be risky because of bacterial infection or toe fungus. Be aware of the many risks. Click here to continue reading.

Editor's note: Recommend APMA Seal products to your patients.
While enjoying outdoor sports and activities is a must, it's important to consider foot health and recovery throughout these adventures.

Visit http://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwfitness/article/Vasyli-Offers-Tips-on-Taking-Care-of-Your-Feet-Before-During-After-Physical-Activity-20140811 to view the full article online.

Entrepreneur from a young age and current CEO of SOLE shoes, Mike Baker knows how to think on his feet. He’s done a lot of work on his feet, too, which led him to starting SOLE.

Visit http://www.actionhub.com/stories/2014/08/12/soles-recork-initiative-boasts-sustainability-comfort/ to view the full article online.

Dr. Annemarie Edwards, a podiatrist with the Intermountain Holladay Clinic, tells 2News the about the connection, complications and treatment for foot problems in diabetics. Click here to continue reading.

Editor's note: Studies prove care by a podiatrist helps prevent diabetes complications and saves healthcare dollars.
High heels are the No. 1 culprit of foot pain for women, according to an American Podiatric Medical Association survey. Nearly half of all women wear heels, and 71 percent of heel-wearers say those shoes hurt their feet, the APMA reports.

Visit http://yft.com/articles/health-wellness/well-heeled-tips-for-picking-high-heels-that-are-better-for-your-feet.html to view the full article online.

A diet that is more vegetable-based and healthy lean protein-based with lower carbohydrates can help with diseases like gout.

Visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/julie-chen-md/are-there-other-options-b_b_5664943.html to view the full article online.

For parents faced with kids’ changing tastes and opinions, navigating back-to-school shopping can be a harrowing process. There is one area of back-to-school shopping where a wrong move could have health ramifications for kids – shoe shopping.

Visit http://www.seasidecourier.com/online_features/health_and_wellness/beyond-the-backpack-back-to-school-shoe-shopping-tips-to/article_dc4a3f93-8a9e-5a2a-a3c3-d77fb0af26b6.html to view the full article online.

Effective 2014, if a taxpayer is not covered under minimum essential coverage for one or more months, then, unless an exemption applies, the taxpayer is liable for the individual shared responsibility payment on his return. Click here to continue reading.

Editor's note: Visit APMA's healthcare reform page for more resources and information on how the ACA affects the profession.
A French pharmaceutical company has agreed to pay up to $925 million for the right to market Afrezza, the recently approved inhaled insulin treatment for diabetes developed by MannKind Corp. of Valencia.

Visit http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-0812-mannkind-partner-20140812-story.html to view the full article online.

Pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, will face hundreds of lawsuits filed by women who claimed that the drug, Lipitor, has caused them to develop type 2 diabetes and suffer from other side effects.

Visit http://www.hngn.com/articles/38841/20140812/lipitor-causes-diabetes-in-women-pfizer-faces-lawsuits.htm to view the full article online.

The ICD-10 code set reflects advances in medicine and uses current medical terminology, and the code format has been expanded. Click here to continue reading.

Editor’s note: Don’t miss APMA’s ICD-10 Resources to help you prepare for the transition.
In light of CMS finalizing the ICD-10 deadline delay (extended to Oct. 1, 2015), now is the time to get started introducing your clients to the idea of formal preparation for the coding system implementation deadline.

Visit http://www.bsminfo.com/doc/new-client-resource-cms-icd-testing-plan-0001 to view the full article online.

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, beginning in 2015, certain large employers who do not offer affordable health insurance that provides minimum value to their full-time employees may be subject to significant penalties.

Visit http://www.natlawreview.com/article/health-care-reform-employers-should-prepare-now-2015-to-avoid-penalties to view the full article online.

The White House launched a new team on Monday to improve government websites and upgrade U.S. technology infrastructure in an effort to prevent a repeat of the problems with last October’s botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act website.

Visit http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/11/us-usa-whitehouse-websites-idUSKBN0GB1W220140811 to view the full article online.

The Protecting Access to Medicare law enacted earlier this year is rather ignominiously known for delaying the inevitable ICD-10 conversion, but it could also speed up a part of the health system that’s just as sorely needed.

Visit http://www.govhealthit.com/news/fast-tracked-innovations-unintended-benefits-icd-10-delay to view the full article online.

Veterans reading only headlines, hearing only sound bites, might have a few misconceptions about how Congress and the VA plan to use non-VA health-care providers to ensure more timely and convenient access to care. Click here to continue reading.

Editor’s note: Read about APMA’s ongoing lobbying efforts for VA parity on APMA.org.
American Podiatric Medical Association, Inc.
11400 Rockville Pike, Suite 220, Rockville, MD 20852
PH: 301-581-9200
info@apma.org | www.apma.org