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APMA News Brief

American Podiatric Medical Association

National News
The second round of enrollment under the nation’s health-care law promises to be tougher than the first. Many of those eager to get covered already did, including those with health conditions that had prevented them from getting insurance in the past. Click here to continue reading.

Editor's note: Visit APMA's healthcare reform page for more resources and information on how the ACA affects the profession.
Large hospitals and physician practices typically have the resources necessary to get ready for ICD-10, but what about the smaller practices? Many do not have the staff or resources. Click here to continue reading.

Editor’s note: Make plans now to attend APMA's ICD-10 webinar, "Neoplasms (C00-D49)," on Thursday, Oct. 16, at 8 p.m. ET.
The failure to diagnose the first case of Ebola in the U.S. during an emergency room visit in Texas is raising questions about electronic health records after doctors didn't receive the information taken by a nurse. The key question becomes whether more medical records going digital is putting patient's safety at risk.

Visit http://www.wjla.com/articles/2014/10/ebola-in-the-u-s-raises-questions-about-electronic-health-records-107873.html to view the full article online.

A Rutgers researcher is developing a drug aimed at treating the root cause and reversing the disease.

Visit http://news.rutgers.edu/research-news/attacking-type-2-diabetes-new-direction-encouraging-results/20141005 to view the full article online.

Payment reform, particularly the movement from volume- to value-based reimbursements is one of primary markers of the U.S. healthcare reform, but the country is far behind many of its counterparts across the world.

Visit http://www.healthcaredive.com/news/4-challenges-to-value-based-care/314089/ to view the full article online.

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What Patients are Reading
Odd-looking toenail? It may be a toenail fungal infection, but there's a good chance that another condition could be to blame.

Visit http://www.everydayhealth.com/health-report/toenail-fungal-infection-guide/is-it-toenail-fungus.aspx?xid=tw_everydayhealth_sf to view the full article online.

From a pesky foot pain to more serious symptoms like numbness, your feet often show symptoms of disease before any other part of your body.

Visit http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/cf/slideshows/what-your-feet-say-about-your-health?ap=825#slide=1 to view the full article online.

Even if you live a pretty healthy life, there's still a significant chance you'll develop diabetes as you age. Click here to continue reading.

Editor's note: Studies prove care by a podiatrist helps prevent diabetes complications and saves healthcare dollars.
One of the most common soccer injuries podiatrists have seen is the large number of young players complaining of heel pain.

Visit http://www.fairfieldcitizenonline.com/sports/article/The-Sports-Doctor-Heel-pain-in-soccer-players-5804230.php to view the full article online.

Nail fungus has really been on the rise the past 30 years, and it doesn't discriminate. It affects everyone from children to the elderly and is very difficult to heal.

Visit http://www.myfoxhouston.com/story/26727033/wiping-out-nail-fungus to view the full article online.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, composed of primary care providers, base their new advice on evidence suggesting that diagnosing elevated blood sugar levels before people develop full-blown diabetes can reduce their risk of getting the condition and also developing heart disease.

Visit https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/health-wellness/2014/10/06/adults-over-age-should-screened-for-diabetes-task-force-recommends/jvzO5zz6y1cNgvSmmmrwuK/story.html to view the full article online.

The condition occurs when the plantar fascia – a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from the heel bone to the toes – becomes inflamed, typically causing stabbing heel pain that for some people can be nothing short of excruciating. Click here to continue reading.

Editor’s note: Order heel pain brochures for your practice at APMA’s secure e-Store.
People in low-paying jobs may be at higher risk of developing diabetes if they work long hours, suggests a new analysis of past research.

Visit http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/08/us-diabetes-workers-idUSKCN0HX06220141008?feedType=RSS&feedName=healthNews to view the full article online.

Health experts say Latinos are nearly twice as likely as the majority of Americans to have diabetes and deaths linked to the disease.

Visit http://www.theindychannel.com/news/local-news/doctors-diabetes-growing-in-hispanic-community to view the full article online.

A research trial to find out if a new patch made up of a patient's own living blood cells and platelets can help heal diabetic foot ulcers is taking place at Bradford Royal Infirmary.

Visit http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/11516069.BRI_trials_new_treatment_for_notoriously_difficult_to_heal_diabetic_foot_ulcers/ to view the full article online.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has delayed the deadline for submitting hardship exceptions in the meaningful use electronic health records (EHR) incentive program to Nov. 30, 2014. Click here to continue reading.

Editor’s note: Read APMA’s Weekly Focus coverage of the hardship exception deadline.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Physician Fee Schedule does not systematically provide higher valuation of physician work per unit time for procedure/test codes than for evaluation and management (E/M) codes. Click here to continue reading.
Editor’s note: Read APMA’s Medicare physician fee schedule proposed rule comment letter on APMA.org.
The salt form of the FDA approved anthelmintic drug niclosamide – used to treat intestinal tapeworms – improved diabetic symptoms in mice by inducing mild mitochondrial uncoupling, researchers reported.

Visit http://www.medpagetoday.com/Endocrinology/Diabetes/47941 to view the full article online.

Focus on functionality could help health care providers share data in pursuit of better outcomes. Click here to continue reading.

Editor’s note: Don’t miss APMA’s HIT resources on APMA.org.
The two worlds collide when patient quality outcomes are reported utilizing the coded data assigned by HIM coding professionals. This collision is the driving force for both sides to work together to ensure that clinical data integrity exists.

Visit http://icd10monitor.com/enews/item/1286-the-collision-of-two-worlds-in-an-icd-10-universe to view the full article online.

Unleashing the modern power of computers, data crunching and artificial intelligence could revolutionize health care, improving and extending lives.

Visit http://www.vnews.com/lifetimes/13808256-95/health-care-eyes-power-pitfalls-of-data-mining to view the full article online.

The initial enrollment for the Affordable Care Act was completed April 15, 2014. Although individuals who have a qualifying event can still enroll today, everyone else must wait until Nov. 15 for the enrollment period to begin.

Visit http://www.fortmilltimes.com/2014/10/06/3771077_health-care-reform-update-quiet.html?sp=/99/231/100/&rh=1 to view the full article online.

American Podiatric Medical Association, Inc.
11400 Rockville Pike, Suite 220, Rockville, MD 20852
PH: 301-581-9200
info@apma.org | www.apma.org