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APMA News Brief

American Podiatric Medical Association

National News
The silver plans offered on public exchanges under the Affordable Care Act for 2015 coverage have largely been the least volatile when it comes to price increases or decreases from this year, according to several analyses. Click here to continue reading.

Editor's note: Visit APMA's healthcare reform page for more resources and information on how the ACA affects the profession.
ICD-10 implementation has been extended until Oct. 1, 2015, giving unprepared providers time to adjust, even as physicians continue to express their disapproval.

Visit http://www.bsminfo.com/doc/what-toll-are-icd-delays-taking-on-your-healthcare-it-clients-0001 to view the full article online.

Each year the Health Information Technology (HIT) Special Issue of The American Journal of Managed Care features an impressive body of new research that reflects progress in the field along an array of dimensions. Click here to continue reading.

Editor’s note: Don’t miss APMA’s Health IT resources on APMA.org.
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What Patients are Reading
Dr. Mitchell Waskin opened a nail medi spa a couple years ago for diabetic patients or those on chemotherapy, people whose conditions required some extra care. There was so much demand, however, that he recently expanded to help handle all the cases of fungus, infections and other issues clients were contracting at their neighborhood salons.

Visit http://www.wric.com/story/27408361/how-sanitary-are-nail-salons to view the full article online.

A manicure and pedicure can be a monthly, even weekly ritual. But for many people, pampering quickly leads to peril due to unsanitary salon conditions.

Visit http://abc13.com/health/how-safe-is-your-salon/395281/ to view the full article online.

November doesn’t just bring colder weather; it also signals the start of open enrollment for health care.

Visit http://www.natlawreview.com/article/getcovered-during-open-enrollment to view the full article online.

University of Michigan researchers believe seniors could be missing out on a wealth of information about health care by not accessing the internet, at the time in their lives when many diseases become more common.

Visit http://www.techtimes.com/articles/20249/20141114/older-americans-arent-internet-savvy-and-it-could-hurt-their-health.htm to view the full article online.

Consumers will be able to enroll for 2015 coverage through health insurance marketplaces, also known as exchanges.

Visit http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/health-laws-2nd-year-26914519 to view the full article online.

Does failure to properly disinfect actually translate to an increased risk of infection? Maybe.

Visit https://www.yahoo.com/health/woman-may-have-contracted-hiv-from-manicure-should-you-102626062832.html to view the full article online.

It is very fitting that November is Diabetes Awareness Month, since it deals with a subject that is currently affecting almost 100 million Americans. Click here to continue reading.

Editor’s note: See APMA’s "YOU Can Outsmart Diabetes" campaign materials at APMA.org.
Severe cold weather poses a unique challenge to those living with diabetes; these seven tips, if followed, will help prevent diabetics from having their feet amputated.

Visit http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/2334276 to view the full article online.

If you have diabetes, a regular foot examination by a podiatrist should be part of your care plan.

Visit http://www.rgj.com/story/life/wellness/2014/11/11/how-to-take-care-of-your-feet-if-you-have-diabetes/18886433/ to view the full article online.

Glooko, a mobile diabetes management app, said it is integrating its tool with biometric trackers from Fitbit, Jawbone, iHealth, and Withings to enable patients to better control their blood sugar.

Visit http://www.forbes.com/sites/zinamoukheiber/2014/11/12/how-one-start-up-is-using-fitness-trackers-to-help-diabetes-patients/ to view the full article online.

ICD-10 isn’t going to take a holiday, but providers can take a few basic steps to prepare before it’s time to celebrate the new year. Click here to continue reading.

Editor’s note: APMA’s ICD-10 Resources will help you prepare for the transition to happen Oct. 1, 2015.
Medicare Part B premiums will remain the same in 2015 as in 2014 and 2013, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

Visit http://www.thinkadvisor.com/2014/11/18/medicare-premiums-to-remain-stable-in-2015 to view the full article online.

As the Affordable Care Act's second open enrollment period begins, 37 percent of Americans say they approve of the law, one percentage point below the previous low in January. Fifty-six percent disapprove, the high in disapproval by one point.

Visit http://www.gallup.com/poll/179426/new-enrollment-period-starts-aca-approval.aspx to view the full article online.

Continuing its commitment to transparency, today the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released new data giving consumers and researchers the tools and information they need to review 2015 health insurance plan information.

Visit http://insurancenewsnet.com/oarticle/2014/11/15/cms-releases-new-data-demonstrating-increased-choice-competition-in-the-health--a-573426.html to view the full article online.

ICD-10 has major potential in improving the way healthcare is provided.

Visit http://hitconsultant.net/2014/11/17/big-data-in-healthcare-icd-10-is-key/ to view the full article online.

While the Obama administration heralded the much smoother launch of a second round of health care enrollment, a video came to light featuring a former consultant on the Affordable Care Act which created serious political blowback.

Visit http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/video-economists-affordable-care-act-criticism-hurt-law/ to view the full article online.

American Podiatric Medical Association, Inc.
11400 Rockville Pike, Suite 220, Rockville, MD 20852
PH: 301-581-9200
info@apma.org | www.apma.org