National News
What do two divergent inflation readings have to do with a blockbuster health care deal? Quite a lot, actually. For starters, there is the potential $32 billion-plus deal for health insurance giant Humana, the bulk of whose earnings come from Medicare, the federal program that insures America's elderly.
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What Patients are Reading
A growing body of research indicates that exposure to bacteria and viruses affects one’s likelihood for developing a number of chronic health conditions. Increasingly, scientists are uncovering proof that certain features of the human microbiome may be a root cause of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
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Many children suffer from foot problems that often go undiagnosed. There are many symptoms parents can watch for, says Dr. Bradley Lamm, DPM, a Baltimore-area foot and ankle surgeon and fellow of the American College of Foot & Ankle Surgeons. Many parents think children can outgrow foot problems, but Dr. Lamm said it is important to get treatment.
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