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Electronic heath records (EHRs) and other forms of health information technology have the potential to significantly improve care delivery and patient outcomes.
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Most Podiatrists will agree that you have to take care of your health when you live with this disease – and for them – taking care of your feet, in order to prevent amputations, is a must!
Physicians participating in Medicare accountable care organizations (ACOs) are only moderately convinced they do what was intended: deliver more cost-effective care.
Being a doctor pays well, but there are still major discrepancies when it comes to paychecks within the medical profession, a new physician survey shows.
It’s a common criticism of the Medicaid program—that the doctor participation rate is lower than the rate for Medicare beneficiaries or the privately insured.
An unexpected spike in Medicare reimbursement, if missed by a provider, could be enough for federal officials to conclude it wasn’t doing enough to spot and refund overpayments.
As the debate continues about the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a new study finds that almost half of doctors support a single-payer healthcare system.