A survey of independent physician practices found burnout was the most commonly reported challenge, followed by the time requirements of administrative tasks.
Editor’s note: APMA has Physician Well-Being resources at www.apma.org/wellbeing to help you manage burnout, work–life balance, and more.
Intended for homologous use in the treatment acute and chronic wounds, EpiFix allografts may be stored at ambient conditions for up to 5 years and are available in a variety of sizes. Explore the use of EpiFix® in your wound treatment applications.
The World Health Organization has included workplace burnout In the eleventh revision of its International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11).
In addition to pay, younger physicians are interested in working in larger cities and having work-life balance, according to survey of last-year residents.
Although some regulatory barriers to adoption remain, telehealth services are likely to become more common as the physician shortage worsens over time.
Proprietary design addresses the insole issue: Rigid insoles do not allow the arch to move downward enough to fully handle the shock of a foot strike. Soft insoles collapse under pressure and cannot prevent the arch from flattening. Custom orthotics are designed to fit the patient’s flawed foot rather than make the foot healthy.
If one begins to feel pain in the feet, is planning to begin an increased workout regimen, or notices problems such as bunions, it’s important to consult a podiatrist.
The chief frustration stems from the time that practices must spend on prior authorizations—an average of 15 hours per week, according to a new report.