The administration has encouraged the reopening of health-care facilities in states with a low and stable number of COVID-19 cases.
Editor's note: Get help reopening your practice during COVID-19 with APMA's resources such as, risk management checklists, help with employee issues, and more.
Intended for homologous use in the treatment acute and chronic wounds, EpiFix allografts may be stored at ambient conditions for up to 5 years and are available in a variety of sizes. Explore the use of EpiFix® in your wound treatment applications.
Results from a new survey suggest that a large number of U.S. adults have delayed seeking health-care, with some reporting a deterioration of their condition.
The DERMACLOSE Continuous External Tissue Expander device facilitates rapid tissue movement to reduce or reapproximate wounds. After the initial application has been completed the DERMACLOSE device does not require any additional tightening. Once the desired tissue expansion has occurred the device(s) can be removed and the wound can be closed with suture or staples.