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APMA News Brief

American Podiatric Medical Association

National News
APMA is reviewing the CY 2021 MPFS Final Rule CMS released December 1. We are pleased to confirm that the changes to office/other outpatient E/M coding APMA advocated for will indeed take effect in 2021.

Visit to view the full article online.


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has released its final rule for 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.


Editor's note: Visit for more information and keep an eye out for more details on the final rule in APMA's digital publications.

Visit to view the full article online.

Fighting for your right to Reimbursement
Sceptre Management
Sceptre fights for your right to reimbursement.  Payers like denying clean claims.  Sceptre has the knowledge, skills and ability to get your claims paid faster.  We will help reduce your receivables by resolving claims quickly and capturing the full reimbursement.  Partner with us by calling Jennifer Hicks at 801-775-8010;
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In a recent survey, physicians expressed generally positive sentiments regarding telehealth.


Editor's note: APMA has resources for members navigating telehealth during the crisis. 

Visit to view the full article online.

For ambulatory settings, including physician offices, revenue is down by 4 percent compared to 2019.

Visit to view the full article online.

Synovis Micro Companies Alliance
The DERMACLOSE Continuous External Tissue Expander device facilitates rapid tissue movement to reduce or reapproximate wounds. After the initial application has been completed the DERMACLOSE device does not require any additional tightening. Once the desired tissue expansion has occurred the device(s) can be removed and the wound can be closed with suture or staples.
Click Here to Read More
The Tetra Corporation

Patients who don't feel that their health-care provider is adequately ensuring their safety during a visit are less likely to return, according to a new study.


Editor's note: APMA provides​ a suite of resources at to help members with their practices and more during the COVID-19 health crisis. 

Visit to view the full article online.


Among the tips for conducting a risk analysis are identifying potential threats and taking stock of security measures.


Editor's note: APMA provides HIPAA and meaningful use risk analysis resources for members at 

Visit to view the full article online.

Nation`s Fastest Growing Podiatric Medicine Network
Talar Medical
Talar Medical is a group purchasing organization that houses 31 of the best vendors in Podiatric medicine to bring you discounted pricing in one easy to use portal.  Working with some of the best minds in the Podiatric space, Talar is a place that teaches physicians and staff how to implement the best products and protocols into practice. Our membership is free, and you can receive a free cost analysis!
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What Patients are Reading

It's important to choose shoes that provide adequate support, especially if you're likely to be active for an extended period of time.


Editor's note: Check out the latest list of APMA Seal-Accepted products and recommend them to your patients.​

Visit to view the full article online.


Knowing one's foot type can help in selecting the most appropriate running shoe.


Editor’s note: Recommend APMA’s running shoe guide for different arch types and APMA Seal-Accepted products to your patients.​

Visit to view the full article online.


Overdoing things physically after a long period of relative inactivity can lead to a number of problems, including the possibility of foot injuries.


Editor’s note: Share APMA’s information about sprains, strains, and fractures with your patients.

Visit to view the full article online.

Simplify, Automate & Grow Your Business
Power Diary®
Power Diary’s clinic-management tools and features will make running a health practice easier and provide a fuss-free experience for the patient.
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The rise in the use of virtual care has been accompanied by a rise in the number of cyberthreats to health-care organizations.


Editor's note: APMA has physician well-being resources for members at​

Visit to view the full article online.


Educating patients about COVID-19 precautions before their visit and managing visitor access are among the tips for physician practices.


Editor’s note: Take advantage of APMA’s resources on what to do if staff or a patient tests positive for COVID-19

Visit to view the full article online.

A new analysis highlights the administrative burden created by prior authorization.

Visit to view the full article online.

American Podiatric Medical Association, Inc.
11400 Rockville Pike, Suite 220, Rockville, MD 20852
PH: 301-581-9200 |