A study found that four in 10 American adults don’t seek medical services when needed due to cost concerns, and 61 percent of American admit to procrastinating when scheduling health appointments.
A recent European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology found that more than 75 percent of women with newly diagnosed diabetes in pregnancy who were positive postpartum had undiagnosed diabetes prior to their pregnancy.
Microemulsion Technology provides Podiatrists with better penetration and better results. With small particle size Formula 7®’s antibacterial and antifungal properties deliver the benefit of multiple products in a single tube or jar. The leader in Tolfnaftate Technology since 1986! Formula 7®is the first tolnaftate microemulsion utilizing soluble tolnaftate, the technology developed by the Tetra Corporation.
Prices for health-care prices have soared by 110 percent since 2000, but for the second year in a row, inflation has risen at a higher rate than medical care prices.
Artificial intelligence provides a host of potential benefits to the healthcare community, and researchers have not even imagined many of the applications possible.
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