PHTA Advocates for Parity in Drought Tax Bill

PHTA was recently on Capitol Hill, meeting representatives from Senate and House offices about worsening drought conditions and the importance of consumer incentives for items such as swimming pool and spa covers.

Drought has been a major focus for many communities across the United States, and local water districts are increasingly providing incentives to homeowners who make investments to reduce water use, such as purchasing a pool cover. Currently, those rebates are taxed as income. The Water Conservation Rebate Tax Parity Act (S.2430 and H.R. 4647) was introduced to ensure that the IRS treats water conservation rebates in the same manner as energy conservation rebates. Introduced by Senator Feinstein (D-CA) and Representative Huffman (D-CA-2), the bill that would make water conservation incentives received from water utilities (such as pool and spa covers) non-taxable.