Coming Soon! PHTA Job Board

Be among the first to have your job openings listed on the NEW PHTA Job Board! Need to hire someone immediately? Reach out to Seth Ewing ( to express early interest, and we will send you an exclusive link to create a company profile that will be available on day one for job postings.

Why post your opening on the new PHTA Job Board?

All PHTA members receive one free job posting per year on our exclusive new job board. If you are looking to hire multiple employees throughout the year, our sponsorship packages are ideal to support your recruitment efforts! Here's what's in it for you:

  1. Post your jobs to a job board specifically for the aquatics industry!
  2. Posting on the PHTA job board costs less than Indeed and gets you more exposure through our connections with outside job boards.
  3. Through the PHTA Workforce Development Program, PHTA is driving awareness of the industry through this new website, meaning more candidates that are in interested in our industry.
  4. Sponsors have exclusive access to more benefits, tools, and resources.
  5. Find your next employee though PHTA!

We will be officially launching the new job board in May! Stay tuned for the official launch date and the opportunity to start posting your jobs. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact