Art Therapy Today

In May 2020, art therapists shared their experiences during the pandemic in the American Art Therapy Association’s (AATA) Coronavirus Impact Survey. Our report told the story of art therapists standing on the frontlines of the pandemic while coping with tremendous challenges. Now, a year into the pandemic, we are launching a follow-up survey to assess how art therapists are doing. While our last survey focused on the entire art therapy community (including students and educators), this survey is focused on clinicians’ work with clients. You don’t need to be an AATA member to participate. Click HERE to take the survey  It's 15 questions and will take 5-10 minutes to complete. We would appreciate your response by April 19, 2021.

We are thrilled to announce that the Tennessee House of Representatives passed the art therapy licensure bill (HB 183) on April 5, 2021, by a 81 to 7 vote! The bill, having passed the Senate in March, was delivered to Governor Bill Lee on April 7th. According to Tennessee procedures, the Governor has 10 days (excluding Sundays) to sign or veto legislation, or it becomes law without a signature. We expect action by April 19, 2021.

AATA News 

Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association is seeking papers for the upcoming special issue on the topic “Resilience and Transformation:Learning from 2020” and is offering limited-time free access to two articles in the current issue. All the details can be found in the call for papers. Manuscripts are requested by July 31, 2021. 

Creative Forces®: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Military Healing Arts Network has recently issued two Requests for Applications (RFAs) for feasibility/pilot studies in art therapy and music therapy. The prioritized research question for art therapy is “How and to what extent does art therapy affect emotional processing and self-regulation for service members and veterans?” The application period is June 2-16, 2021. Download the art therapy RFA to learn all the details.
M.A. Counseling Art Therapy Specialization
Caldwell University
The first CACREP accredited program of this type in the nation. The program fulfills educational requirements in both art therapy and mental health counseling.
Learn More
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Member Corner
Catherine Harris, ATR-BC, RYT 200

As we begin to move out of survival mode and cautiously into more optimistic and hopeful territory with the distribution of vaccines, I’ve actually noticed an increase in the reported anxiety, depression, and grief among individuals. I think people are finally feeling a sense of safety and room to breathe and are thus finally reckoning with the emotional fallout of this past year. It gives me hope though that so many people are seeking help and support and that the stigma of taking care of our mental health seems to be dropping further and further away as a result. 

It's application season! Help AATA celebrate individual members making an impact in our profession and community by applying or nominating a colleague. Find details about all opportunities in this article and on MyAATA, and learn more about specific applications in separate articles in the Member Corner. Applications are open in the following categories (listed in order of deadline): Multicultural (May 1), Scholarships (May 1), Nominations (May 6), Honors (June 15), Research (June 15) and Governmental Affairs (June 15).
Denise R. Wolf MA ATR-BC, ATCS, LPC, AATA Scholarship Chair

The call for applications for AATA scholarships closes on May 1, 2021, so you still have time! The benefits of receiving a scholarship extend beyond dollars and cents. When you receive a national scholarship from the AATA, you experience increased networking opportunities from peers and colleagues. Read more to learn about how some of the recipients of 2020 scholarships benefitted from their award and imagine yourself as an awardee in 2021. Find more information and applications on MyAATA!
Jill McNutt, PhD, ATR-BC, ATRL, LPC, ATCS, Research Committee Chair

Research awards and grants are offered annually to members of the AATA including two Rawley Silver Research Awards, Seed Grants for Clinical Art Therapy Research, and the Gladys Agell Award for Excellence in Research. Current and upcoming applications can be found at 2021 Award Schedule on MyAATA.

AATA’s new 2021 Member Demographics Report is now available online! This report is intended to be a current, shareable snapshot of the AATA membership community and contains information collected through Feb. 9, 2021. 
Master of Science in Art Therapy
Mount Mary College
Develop a sophisticated professional identity as an artist-therapist through Mount Mary University’s Master of Science in Art Therapy program. This accredited program is grounded in a profound belief in the healing power of the arts and creative process. Students implement theory and practice in a wide range of clinical contexts.
Learn more
Adler University
Cedar Crest College Undergraduate
Art Therapy in the News
BLUA Media

VIDEO: "Aquí Entre Nos', te traemos una entrevista en exclusiva con Nadia Paredes, artista y especialista en arte terapia, quien nos cuenta sobre su trabajo con diarios de arte, pintura intuitiva y los cuantos talleres que imparte🎨 ¡No te la pierdas!"
The Dallas Morning News

"People impacted by the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic can use art to express their emotions through a new grant program at Dallas Art Therapy, a nonprofit in Richardson. Dallas Art Therapy received a $10,000 grant from the Communities Foundation of Texas to help adults, teens and children who are contending with anxiety, depression and other mental health challenges related to the pandemic."
Cleveland Clinic

"When you hear the words “art therapy,” what comes to mind? Coloring in an adult coloring book? Taking a paint-and-sip class? Arranging fresh-cut flowers, or making a collage with all of your old concert tickets? While art is at the center of these activities, and you feel calmer and more at ease as you’re tapping into your creativity, what you’re doing isn’t art therapy in the technical sense. Art therapy manager, Tammy Shella, PhD, ATR-BC, explains what art therapy is, who can benefit from it and what an art therapist actually does."
The New Indian Express

"Talking about finding the right school for his son, Rajendra says that the process was tedious and important since every child with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) has specific needs. When Rupak was a student at WeCAN, he took part in a year-long art therapy programme conducted by an American art therapist. Rajendra says that this therapy helped him recognise his aptitude and passion for art. Within a year, Rupak held his first solo show at Forum Art Gallery, Adyar, with over 50 works on display."
Erie News Now

VIDEO: "For students like Smith, she lost her creative outlet to see friends and express herself. One program out of Edinboro University it aimed to help students express themselves and cope with their feelings. 'Because we all have baggage, and especially now going from one Zoom meeting to the next with barely a potty break in between then it's good for us to have that moment as a transitional period to come in, close the door, sit down, relax,' says Shelia Lorenzo De La Pena, Art Therapy Counselor." She teaches coping through art and says anyone can do it to be able to escape what's going on around them."
WOSU Public Media

PODCAST: "Finding new uses for old medications isn’t a new practice. But when COVID-19 turned into a pandemic last year, the race was on to find anything already on the market to fight the illness caused by the virus." Guests on All Sides with Ann Fisher discuss the business of repurposing drugs in a pandemic. At 40:43, Cheryl Pete, ATR-BC and clinical director at Art Therapy Studio shares her take.
Wisconsin Examiner

"In this predominantly white suburb, artists have been arriving since last summer to memorialize what happened 30.1 miles away, outside Cup Foods in south Minneapolis...Liberian-American painter Lyssa Karpeh was new to doing outdoor murals, but she said she was happy to have something to take her out of her studio. Karpeh is a graduate student in art therapy at Adler University and founder of “Free in Color,” a non-profit organization in the Twin Cities that helps get children creating art."
News Channel 8

VIDEO: "Art therapy is a distinct discipline that incorporates creative methods of expression through visual art media.Lindsey Brooks, a licensed therapist with McNulty Counseling and Wellness joins Gayle Guyardo on BLOOM to explain how art therapy, is used in psychotherapy."
Norton Healthcare

"Daniel Bulleit, 64, knows a lot about the power of art. His interest began at age 5, when he would draw pictures to stand out among a family that would grow to include 11 siblings. He studied art at Indiana University and the Colorado Institute of Art, which led to an award-winning career in commercial art. Daniel was diagnosed in 2017 with stage 4 colon cancer. He said he appreciates the care he has received from 'exceptional people,' but his journey has been tough, facing 27 'totally depleting' chemotherapy treatments, plus multiple hospitalizations, surgeries, setbacks and new complications. Through it all, he has been able to express his experiences through art therapy."
LASALLE College of the Arts Ltd

The AATA's Art Therapy Today includes a digest of the most important news selected for the AATA from thousands of sources. Guest articles may be submitted to Publication of any guest article is at the sole discretion of the AATA. The opinions expressed and/or contents of guest articles, advertisements, and external links included in any AATA publication do not represent the positions or policies of the AATA. The AATA makes no warrenty or representation concerning the accuracy of such content.