Art Therapy Today
Christianne E. Strang PhD, ATR-BC, Nominating Committee Chair

To ensure that the AATA leadership fully and fairly represents our members, we need broad engagement from you in the elections process. Online voting is open from Sept. 29 - Oct. 29, 2021. In this post, we’ve compiled FAQs on the voting process and an overview of information about board leadership responsibilities to help inform your decision.

Get started by visiting the Candidate Slate, available on MyAATA.
Susan Boxer Kappel, MA, ATR-BC, LCAT, CGP, Conference Chair

Now is the time to get registered so you can attend the AATA’s 52nd Annual Conference, Reconnecting and Visualizing Future Pathways for Art Therapy in a Diverse Society. Our first conference days are Saturday, Oct. 23 and Sunday, Oct. 24.

Register by Oct. 22 by 11:59 p.m. ET to be included as a participant on the Oct. 23 Conference date and by Oct. 23 at 11:59 p.m. ET to be included in the Oct. 24 event! (The Dec. 18 and 19 conference registration will remain open.)

La American Art Therapy Association (AATA) se enorgullece en presentar su nueva oferta de entrenamiento en línea en español que incluye ejercicios de creación artística que proporcionará a los asistentes dos créditos de educación continua. Los invitamos a participar este 6 de noviembre a las 3 - 5 PM EST horas en la sesión virtual, Arte, Vejez y Migración: una adaptación de la Terapia Cognitiva Conductual Focalizada en Trauma (TFCBT) para trabajo creativo con inmigrantes de la Tercera Edad, presentado por la Mtra. Nadia Fernanda Paredes Guapo, LMFT, ATR. 

The American Art Therapy Association (AATA) is proud to present a new online training offering in Spanish, which will include creative exercises and provide two continuing education credits. Please join us for this virtual session, Art, Old Age, and Migration: an adaptation of Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT) for Creative Work with Elderly Immigrants, on Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021, from 3 - 5 p.m. EST. The training will be conducted by Prof. Nadia Fernanda Paredes Guapo, MA, LMFT, ATR.

While AATA’s mission is to advance art therapy as a regulated mental health profession and build a community that supports art therapists throughout their careers, we are only one of three organizations that assist art therapists with their career journeys: ACATE, ATCB, and AATA. We hope that this post will help highlight what we offer at AATA and clarify the roles of the ATCB and ACATE.
Ron Hunt, DDS, MS, Chair, Accreditation Council for Art Therapy Education (ACATE)

CAAHEP has awarded initial accreditation to the Art Therapy and Counseling master’s program at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Penn.! The CAAHEP Board approved the accreditation recommendation by ACATE for the art therapy graduate program on Sept. 17, 2021.
Join the AATA Undergraduate Subcommittee for a forum on student learning outcomes in undergraduate art therapy education. This event will be held virtually via Zoom on Oct. 18, 2021, from 3:30 - 5 p.m. ET. Register here. Please contact Ashley Hartman for more information at
M.A. Counseling Art Therapy Specialization
Caldwell University
The first CACREP accredited program of this type in the nation. The program fulfills educational requirements in both art therapy and mental health counseling.
Learn More
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Member Corner
Franchesca Lastra Vicente

I believe that it’s important to find representation within my community, especially being a Latina art therapist. When I first started in the field, I found it difficult to find Spanish-speaking therapists, let alone Spanish speaking art therapists. After graduating and starting my first job, I worked in an outpatient therapy office where I was one of three Hispanic therapists, but was the only art therapist.

Personally for me, the connections I made with those clients in contrast to other cultures has been very meaningful. My patients were happy to see someone they could relate with, and someone who could understand the conflicts in the home that, on a cultural level, a non-Hispanic therapist may have not understood. I would see many of my clients say things like “you get it; you know how it is” in reference to how Hispanic mothers would raise their children.
Member News

So we can better share free tools, books, and resources, we’ve created a new community on the MyAATA Forum simply called "Free Resources for Art Therapists.” Please join us there by logging into the MyAATA Forum and searching for the community and then clicking the “Join Community” button. We invite our members to share resources they find helpful with their colleagues in the forum as well.
Master of Science in Art Therapy
Mount Mary College®
Develop a sophisticated professional identity as an artist-therapist through Mount Mary University’s Master of Science in Art Therapy program. This approved program is grounded in a profound belief in the healing power of the arts and creative process. Students implement theory and practice in a wide range of clinical contexts.
Learn more
Adler University

The AATA's Art Therapy Today includes a digest of the most important news selected for the AATA from thousands of sources. Guest articles may be submitted to Publication of any guest article is at the sole discretion of the AATA. The opinions expressed and/or contents of guest articles, advertisements, and external links included in any AATA publication do not represent the positions or policies of the AATA. The AATA makes no warrenty or representation concerning the accuracy of such content.