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July 2013  


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Nicole Schreffenberger will be a junior at Salisbury University this fall. She is well on her way to accomplishing her goal of becoming a Certified Public Accountant. She states she will graduate with 150 credits when she takes her CPA exam. Currently Nicole has a 3.911 GPA. She has earned A's on all her classes except for one B which upset her because it was almost an A. She has made the Dean's List every semester so far. She is very thankful for the ASBO Scholarship she has received.

Molly Pittman will be a junior at St. Mary's College of Maryland. She is still intent on becoming a secondary math teacher. She is majoring in math and minoring in educational studies. Two days a week she interns in a special needs classroom and works one on one with a seventh grade girl. She also plays math games with middle school students to motivate them to enroll in more science, technology, engineering and math courses when they enter high school. Her current GPA is 3.35 and she too is on the Dean's List.

Rebecca Kneebone will be entering her sophomore year at the University of Maryland at College Park. She has officially declared her double major in Secondary Education and History. She states that attending the University of Maryland has been an amazing experience and every day she is more sure that teaching is what she wants to do. Her current GPA is 3.75.

Victoria Shull will be a sophomore at Salisbury University. She is majoring in early childhood and elementary education while minoring in ESOL. She has taken five classes each semester and is determined to finish the five year program in four years. In addition to her class load she has mentored at Pinehurst Elementary School for over forty hours during the past semester. During the summer she plans on working as a Camp Counselor with 3rd and 6th grade students. Her current GPA is 3.55.


Bonnie Barrett is a graduating senior at St. Michael's High School in Talbot County. She currently has a GPA of 3.76 and is ranked in the top five in her class. She will attend either Salisbury University or McDaniel College in the fall and will be majoring in secondary education with the intent of teaching Social Studies. During her high school career she has been a member of the Drama Club, Jazz Band, National Honor Society, Tri Music, Honor Society and manager for the school's soccer team.

Bridgette Roa is a graduating senior at Wheaton High School in Montgomery County. She currently has a 3.53 GPA and will attend the University of Maryland at College Park this coming fall. She plans on majoring in early childhood education and becoming a kindergarten teacher. She excelled in high school, taking many honors and AP classes. She passed multiple AP exams and received the AP Scholar Award. She has been president of the Student Government during her junior and senior years at Wheaton. Bridgette has also been a cheerleader and a member of the softball team. She has volunteered at a local elementary for the past three summers. She also took a child development class in high school in which she created lesson plans and led a classroom of twelve (12) four year olds once a week for a year. She states "Teachers have positively influenced me and I hope to have the same impact on others."


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