May 17th, 2015 through May 20th, 2015 in Ocean City Maryland!  

 I don’t know about you, but we are looking forward to a couple of days in May in Ocean City at the 63rd Annual ASBO MD&DC Spring Conference getting solid professional development, renewing friendships and making new ones, and visiting a sold out exhibit floor to learn about the newest in services and products is a great cure to the winter doldrums.  This year there will be forty-eight education sessions and computer labs, a B.I.G session on Tuesday afternoon, and two superb speakers – Sean McComb, National Teacher of the Year on Monday and Dr. Jeff McCausland, a West Point graduate who commanded an artillery battalion during the Gulf War, has taught at the Naval Academy, served on the National Security Council, and has lectured and published internationally on leadership development and national security affairs.

As in the past, the Princess Royale Oceanfront and Princess Royale Bayside will be our conference hotels but, unlike in the past, you will be making your own hotel reservations. Details on how to do that will be coming soon. Conference registration also will open very shortly, so be ready to make your conference plans soon.

Coming Soon! Visit for all your conference information, as well as descriptions of all of the conference sessions and the conference schedule.

See you at the Convention Center – come ready to learn!