November 6th was a great ASBO kind of day at the Conference Center at the Maritime Institute as we convened our 64th Annual Fall Conference with 234 attendees and 41 of our valued exhibitors. The day started at 7:30 with a continental breakfast and the opportunity to network and visit the exhibits. After a short business meeting (visit to learn about the Fay Miller Education Leadership Eagle Institute Award and the Paul B. Bell Award), the first set of nine education sessions began with topics ranging from The Ripple Effect: Inspiring and Leading Transformational Change taught by our dynamic Keynote Speaker, Dr. Kevin Snyder, to Procuring Local Food for School Meals, to Increasing Transparency with Simple Online Budget Dashboards – the entire program is available at our website. Following another networking and exhibit opportunity, the second block of education sessions started. These included A Guide to Inspecting and Maintaining Various Roofing Systems, How One School System is Meeting the School Bus Driver Shortage, and Are You Prepared – the Auditors Are Coming to Town.

Following lunch, the General Session reconvened and the 2015 winner of the Brice and Shirley Phillips Best Practice Award was announced – Stephen Starmer, Frederick County Public Schools, was selected for developing a strategic plan to best manage printing and copying requirements across the school system, using project management. 

As the winner, Steve receives free Spring Conference registration; an oceanfront hotel room at the new Conference Hotel, the 67th Street Holiday Inn in Ocean City; and $1,500 to be used for ASBO professional development activities. 

Dr. Snyder, our Keynote Speaker, then presented, "Think Differently – Viewing Change as a Catalyst for Growth" an engaging and moving (literally) tour de force. He had everyone on their feet and challenged us to think positively and creatively about change.

The conference then adjourned and everyone was invited to attend B.I.G (Best Idea Group) discussions to continue what they had just learned and experienced. A very full day of education, new ideas, and engagement.

Dr. Snyder has generously offered to give ASBO members a digital version of his new book, "Empower Your Employees". To get yours, just text the word KevinCSnyder to #22828! The book is delivered once you input your email. Or email Kevin directly

The PowerPoint presentations from the education sessions are also available there (located at the bottom of the page), so even if you were unable to attend, you can read them and talk with your colleagues who were fortunate enough to be there in person. You can also download a copy of the program, schedule, or sessions by going to our website at

The 64th Annual Spring Conference will be held in Ocean City from May 22-25, 2016. Mark it on your calendars – it will be a great one, with some surprises. We’ll be announcing education sessions in January so you can plan early.