ASBO Connects

Association of School Business Officials

What's New at ASBO
Best Buy has added a product catalog to the Association of School Business Officials Maryland and District of Columbia's eSchoolMall shopping platform.

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By going to asbo and click on the Job Opportunities tab you can access professional job opportunities. If your school system is not using this free service to advertise job openings,please encourage them to do so. If they're not currently posting vacancies, they only need to email us to get a username and password.

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Messages From The Board
ASBO sponsorship enabled the 24 2012 Teachers of the Year to attend the Common Ground 2013 Conference where they were among over 2200 teachers, media specialists and school librarians who learned about the latest in educational technology and how to teach effectively in the digital age. Many stopped by the ASBO exhibit booth to personally thank us for the opportunity to attend the two day conference.

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Stay tuned for an announcement about a new on-line Masters degree specifically designed for school business officials.

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Naylor Association Solutions
Calendar of Events
ASBO's 61st Spring Conference, May 19-22, will offer over 42 very topical education sessions; two excellent General Session speakers who will challenge you and stimulate you; the Maryland State Teacher of the Year, Rhonda Holmes-Blankenship: and an exhibit hall full of the latest products and services to help your school system run more efficiently and productively.

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Please join us for the new Sunday Evening Gala at the Bayfront Ballroom in the Convention Center.

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In this interactive Keynote Presentation, Bob Gray reveals the untapped memory potential in each of us. Bob Gray has amazed, entertained and educated audiences across six continents, with his incredible memory demonstrations, entertaining keynote presentations, and sales oriented, self-improvement workshops. His unique abilities have netted him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records and TV appearances on Ripley’s Believe It Or Not, Regis Philbin and The ABC Today Show. He is a CSP, Certified Speaking Professional, the highest earned designation in the speaking profession and in 2006 was inducted into the Speaking Hall of Fame.

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Naylor, LLC
Awards & Accolades
The ranking was based on student performance and State education policies that reflect two decades of work on a preK-12 curriculum; State accountability and standards; teacher effectiveness; and work on school readiness, high school reform and preparation for college and the workplace. Maryland placed at the top of the list again with the nation’s only B+ average. The majority of states received grades of C or less.

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Congratulations to Maryland students and teachers on yet another number one ranking: tops in Advanced Placement success for the seventh consecutive year. The College Board’s annual “AP Report to the Nation,” revealed that the percentage of Maryland seniors who earned a score of 3 or higher on one or more AP test reached 29.6 percent in 2012, a nice improvement from 27.9 percent last year. We also have more African American students and Hispanic students taking and passing the rigorous exams. The 2013 brochure provides a summary of the College Board’s annual analysis of the AP program.

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Kent County Public Schools gained national attention recently when four of its schools achieved a higher level of distinction in the HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC) by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

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Six (6) scholarships may be awarded each year to deserving undergraduate students pursuing a career in Business or Education at an accredited institution of higher education within Maryland or the District of Columbia.

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Two Maryland schools and one local school system were among recipients of the U.S. Department of Education's 2013 Green Ribbon Schools (GRS) Awards.

Visit,_One_System_Receive_National_Green_Ribbons_-4-13.pdf to view the full article online.

Four staff members in the Division of Procurement have been recertified as Certified Professional Public Buyers (CPPB) by the Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC).

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After 44 years with Queen Anne's County Public Schools, Thad Kalmanowicz is retiring. He's been a member of ASBO for 18 of those years and has chaired the Paul Jacobus Scholarship Committee for many of those 18 years. Thanks for your volunteerism and professionalism, Thad. ASBO appreciates your commitment and contributions to our organization.

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Please join the Board of Education and Superintendent James E. Richmond in welcoming Kimberly Hill as the next Superintendent of Charles County Public Schools, effective July 1, 2013.

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Featured Articles
Forty-two education sessions! That's what you'll find when you read through the 2013 ASBO Spring Conference Education Sessions. You can also find them at If you haven't already registered, now's the time to do it. Build your professional competency, learn how to save your school system money, network with your colleagues, and stay abreast of change.

Visit,_Day,_Time_C_rev4-30-13.pdf to view the full article online.

Many school districts are implementing ID card programs to address concerns about safety, efficiency, and convenience.
By David Finkelstein

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Schools, colleges, and universities no longer need to manage user account life cycles by using scripts or tedious manual procedures.
By Dean Wiech

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In this article in the January 2013 issue of sba School Business Affairs, see how district leaders are encouraged to consider today's trends in student information systems before going forward with upgrades or new purchases.
By Robert Weathers

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An effective performance management process can be the difference between an efficient organization and one whose employees are unfocused and unmotivated.
By Jessica Kelley, PHR

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New technology helps district leaders ensure healthy learning environments for staff and students.
By Jerry Lamping

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Reversing the trend of obesity will take time and so will our goal of graduating all students college and career ready.
By Anne W. Miller, Ph.D, and Clark J. Godshall, Ed.D

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Selecting a motor coach company for off-campus activities requires attention to detail and commitment to safety.
By Patrick Labriola

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The Leadership Challenge, see what our school leaders can do to improve and support our teachers.
By Frederick M. Hess and Kerri Briggs

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Collaboration across and within departments is key to ensuring adequate transportation for the district's special-needs students.
By Peter Lawrence, MS, CDPT

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Introducing a Special Report on Education from the Smithsonian Magazine
by Rachel Brown

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Is there a link between new construction and student achievement? What role does socioeconomics play in the answer?
By Edward P. Cox, Ed.D., and Ly Patrick Landis, Ph.D.

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See this article from the Smithsonian Magazine's Education Special Report. From early years through college and into the workforce, see what STEM will do for a career.
By 5W Infographics

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Something To Think About
At a well attended recent workshop, school security and school security plans were the focus. If you missed it, here are some related articles that you'll find interesting:

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You don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you write a RFP. The RFP Database has loads of RFPs and you can use one for free or for a very nominal fee. See what's new for April.

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Here's a great way to to share information and introduce staff and vendors and communicate effectively!

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Association of School Business Officials, MD & DC
1200C Agora Drive Suite 241, Bel Air, MD 21014