June 3, 2024
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Alkami Technology

Unlock the potential for rapid revenue growth with seamless Marketing and IT strategies. Discover how insights derived from transaction data become actionable marketing campaigns, fostering relevance and hyper-personalization, all through cross-functional collaboration.

Listen in as industry leaders share success stories and innovative ways to use technology that will transform the Marketing and IT partnership into a catalyst for growth.

Join Jennifer Cortez, VP Demand Generation at Alkami, as she chats with Kathy Bushway, CMO of Premier Bank; Kate Purdy, Marketing & PR VP of Signal Financial Federal Credit Union; and Rob Hoyle, CIO of Vantage West Credit Union on Wednesday, June 12 at 10 AM PT | 12 PM CT | 1 PM ET to learn about:

  • Highlighting the value and ROI of marketing to secure support from leadership and internal stakeholders
  • Taking a holistic approach to organizational needs and goals to bring better collaboration and communication across different departments.
  • Building out a data and marketing strategy is a journey. While you might see some quick wins, true progress requires time and commitment.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how you can drive revenue growth by building a partnership with marketing and IT. Sign up for our webinar today!



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