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December 15, 2020
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How fraud and BSA professionals write effective SARs
Essential advice for writing COVID-related SARs
Putting words to work

64,000. That’s how many suspicious activity reports (SARs) the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has already received relating to COVID-19.

For fraud and BSA professionals, managing this extra workload hasn’t been easy. Some have honed their report-writing skills. Others have used technology to boost their productivity. And many have useful tips and tricks to share—so we’ve gathered together their insights.

Read our latest article in ABA Banking Journal to discover:

  • Tips for writing COVID-related SARs
  • Advice from FinCEN Director, Ken Blanco
  • Insights from senior compliance professionals

You’ll also learn how speech recognition technology is accelerating SAR creation—and why Josh Fretto, Director of Financial Intelligence for Loan Star National Bank, believes it can be “a big time saver” for BSA officers and their staff. Read the article to find out more.

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