ABA Bank Journal Advertorial
May 30, 2024
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As per the U.S. Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), financial institutions face the need to calculate risk more effectively.

SAI360 understands the intricacies involved in this challenge and will help you understand how the essential framework of risk management and audit will change for financial institutions.

Read this eBook for an in-depth view of the recent FDIC guidelines and explore:

  • The role of GRC applications for banks
  • How SAI360 empowered your peers to strengthen control
  • Three rules to know about compliance monitoring and reporting structure
  • And more

Find out how you can ensure resilience amid regulatory changes.

Download eBook

About SAI360

SAI360 is giving companies a new perspective on risk management. SAI360 can broaden your risk horizon and increase your ability to identify, manage, and mitigate risk. See risk from every angle. Visit www.sai360.com.




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