ABA Risk and Compliance
August 30, 2024
Purchase Positively with Amazon Business
Amazon Business®
Many businesses have established ESG goals to improve their corporate stewardship, bolster their brands and win customer loyalty. Maximizing the impact of business purchases doesn’t have to be complicated. Amazon Business makes it easy for procurement departments and individual employees across distributed locations to buy office supplies from preferred vendors. 
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Third-party risk oversight is only getting more intense. It is no secret that the OCC has stepped up efforts around how banks oversee third-party risk and is cracking down on firms that cannot demonstrate cohesive and effective end-to-end management of their suppliers, especially around critical processing.
360factors, Inc
The ABA received two gold and one bronze Brandon Hall Group Excellence Awards for its redesigned Frontline Compliance Training courses for banks. Brandon Hall—a human management capital research and analyst firm—recognized ABA’s training courses in the categories of Best Compliance Training (bronze), Best Association Professional Development Program (gold) and Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program (gold).
Ncontracts Launches Nstitute: An Online Training Program to Earn Nstitute Certified Vendor Management Professional (NCVMP) Certification
Ncontracts, launched an online training program “Nstitute Certified Vendor Management Professional (NCVMP)" certification based on the new interagency guidance on 3rd party risk management. Nstitute is a self-paced, training program that covers essential areas of third-party risk management to empower vendor managers and professionals tasked with overseeing third-party vendors, consultants, fintechs, and others. Ncontracts is currently offering an exclusive 30% discount. 
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The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has released two final rules requiring certain residential real estate professionals and investment advisers to report suspicious activity tied to illicit finance. The proposed rules were originally published in February.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has opened its beta platform for filing small-business lending data, as required by Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act. The beta is for testing purposes only and financial institutions should not upload actual customer data, the bureau said.
The Treasury Department recently issued its semiannual agenda to indicate that the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network intends to move forward on three notices of proposed rulemaking: the revised Bank Secrecy Act program rule, the revised customer due diligence rule (anticipated for October) and the investment adviser customer identification program requirements rule.
Shield Compliance
Protecht Group
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has published filing instructions for its nonbank registry. The bureau in June finalized a rule requiring certain nonbanks to register information about their company with the bureau along with any agency or court orders concerning consumer protection violations, with that information to be kept by the bureau in a public registry.
The Office of Foreign Asset Control recently announced an initiative to update its list of frequently asked questions on sanctions enforcement. The changes are part of a broader modernization effort by the agency.
The FDIC has released a list of questions and answers regarding its final rule on the display of the official FDIC sign in banks and bank digital channels. The Q&As are a collection of the most frequently asked questions that the FDIC has received from stakeholders, including banks, trade associations, technology companies, vendors and other entities, according to the agency.
Provide Risk Appropriate Customer Experiences
LexisNexis Risk Solutions FL Inc®
Enhance your risk management strategy with our AI-powered solution. Provide risk-appropriate customer experiences, amplify accuracy and scale efficiency. Our holistic risk decision engine accelerates the time from data to decision, ensuring robust protection and streamlined operations.

Learn more about how we can help you mitigate risks and optimize performance.

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September 10
Webinar: Hot Topics in Sanctions Requirements and Enforcement Actions

September 18
Webinar: The 2024 Fraud Landscape Fall Update

September 24
Webinar: Rising Above the Waters: Ensuring Flood Compliance for Commercial Loans

October 8 - 10
Conference: ABA/ABA Financial Crimes Enforcement Conference
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA

October 14 - 17
School: Risk Management School – Advanced
Emory Conference Center, Atlanta, GA

October 14 - 18
School: Risk Management School – Foundational
Emory Conference Center, Atlanta, GA

October 14 - 18
School: Compliance School – Advanced
Emory Conference Center, Atlanta, GA

October 16
Webinar: 2024 Regulatory Updates and Compliance Challenges - Part 4