ABA Banking Journal
June 12, 2015

This ABA Banking Journal newsletter is a free, twice-monthly supplement to the ABA Banking Journal magazine intended to help you stay on top of industry and policy news. You can also stay abreast of banking news by visiting aba.com/BankingJournal, home to ABA Daily Newsbytes stories, digital exclusives, the ABA Banking Journal Podcast and more.

Industry News
Banks have hired armies of security experts to combat shadowy hackers from breaking into customer accounts. Now, a top law-enforcement official says banks should also focus closer to home. (Wall Street Journal)
A new bank caters to kids and kicks out its "senior" depositors upon their 22nd birthday, making it uniquely positioned to know and perhaps shape the banking habits of tomorrow's mainstream customers. (Bank Technology News)
Financial institutions are increasingly taking an interest in Bitcoin's recordkeeping system, known as the blockchain, a so-called distributed ledger that can be used to track much more than stateless electronic tokens. (Bank Technology News)
Consumer borrowing in the U.S. rose more than forecast in April, boosted by the biggest increase in revolving credit in a year, according to the Federal Reserve. (Bloomberg)
New security authentication technology can analyze the traits of the human body such as a person’s fingerprints, facial symmetry and voice for the purpose of determining one’s actual identity. (Fortune)
PULSE, a Discover company
Crowe Horwath
Here are three strategies for developing and maintaining an employee background screening process that can help reduce turnover, strengthen compliance, protect the organization and reduce legal risk.
A recent cyber attack against a restaurant chain’s credit card system prompted the FBI to issue a warning last week that criminal hackers are using new malicious software to steal personal financial data. (The Washington Free Beacon)
Policy News
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau promised to be "sensitive" to lenders that make a "good-faith effort" to comply with new TILA/RESPA mortgage disclosure rules, but its assurances fall far short of the formal "hold harmless" period the industry and lawmakers have been demanding.
The harsh capital treatment of Trups holdings under Basel III undoes the regulatory relief already extended to community banks that had invested in the securities. (American Banker)
Oregon's burgeoning marijuana industry is stepping up its congressional lobbying in hopes of winning better treatment on tax and banking issues. (Oregon Live)
Naylor Association Solutions
More than a year after Senate leaders thwarted an update to the nation's patent system, a new bill targeting so-called patent trolls has cleared a key hurdle in the chamber, paving the way for a vote on the Senate floor. (Washington Post)
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has proposed an interest rate risk capital requirement, which ABA considers "out of line with the regulatory program in the U.S." Under the rule, banks would have to publish how much capital they hold. (ABA Newsbytes)
PULSE, a Discover company
June 11-18
Emory Conference Center Hotel, Atlanta, GA

June 13
Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.

June 14-17
Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D.C.
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