ABA Banking Journal
May 11, 2018

This ABA Banking Journal newsletter is a free, twice-monthly supplement to the ABA Banking Journal magazine intended to help you stay on top of industry and policy news. You can also stay abreast of banking news by visiting aba.com/BankingJournal, home to ABA Daily Newsbytes stories, digital exclusives, the ABA Banking Journal Podcast and more.

Industry News
Some of America’s leading bankers, financial technologists and experts looked 10 years down the road to share their insights and projections about what will characterize the bank experience, customers, employees and CEOs of tomorrow — all with an eye to informing strategic thinking. (ABA Banking Journal)
The U.S. posted its largest monthly budget surplus on record in April, which the Congressional Budget Office said reflected stronger economic activity over the past year. The federal government typically posts a budget surplus in April, following tax day. A stronger economic expansion and income growth probably added to federal revenue in April, the non-partisan CBO said in this week's report. (Bloomberg)
Mobile apps aren’t a panacea for banks in India, where in 2017, only 26 percent of consumers said they prefer using a mobile app rather than talking to a bank agent. But one bank is using mobile point-of-sale (mPOS) devices to let a fleet of staff carry the bank’s services with them as they meet consumers at their homes. (PYMNTS.com)
Data Center, Inc. (DCI)
On the latest episode of the ABA Banking Journal Podcast, sponsored by Windstream Enterprise, Connecticut banker George Hermann discusses his bank’s in-school branch program. Listen as Hermann also discusses community engagement, mutuality and what community banks and craft brewers have in common. (ABA Banking Journal)
April's solid job growth and historically low 3.9 percent unemployment rate are positive signs for the economy, but sluggish productivity growth and tepid wage growth raise red flags. The economy added 164,000 jobs last month, and unemployment fell more than expected, but wage growth was just 0.1 percent, half of what was expected. (CNBC)
ACL Services
White Paper: KRI Basics for Financial Institutions
Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) are essential in providing early warning signals when risks move in a direction that may prevent the achievement of strategic objectives. But a key challenge that remains is where to even get started. This white paper will provide you with a foundational understanding of KRIs, examples of KRIs for banks and credit unions and guide you to getting started with your own KRI program.
Get access now >>
Policy News
The House will vote on S. 2155, the bipartisan financial regulatory reform bill advanced by the Senate in March, while the Senate will take up a set of additional bills passed by the House Financial Services Committee, according to an agreement announced by House Speaker Paul Ryan this week. (ABA Banking Journal)
By a voice vote, the House passed H.R. 4743, an ABA-supported bipartisan bill that would strengthen the Small Business Administration’s oversight of its loan programs and increase its maximum lending authority. ABA applauded the vote, noting that the bill would help ensure the strength of the program into the future. (ABA Banking Journal)
Computer Services Inc
BlackBerry Ltd.
As the Treasury prepares to issue its report on nonbank fintech issues, ABA released a white paper featuring 11 fintech policy recommendations that would facilitate innovation both inside and outside of the regulated banking system and promote partnerships between banks and nonbanks. (ABA Banking Journal)
The House has reversed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s 2013 guidance on indirect auto lending, passing a Congressional Review Act resolution that would invalidate the guidance, which sought to impose limits on how and what indirect lenders pay car dealers who provide financing and how much discretion dealers have to set loan terms and rates. The Senate previously passed a similar measure to repeal the guidance. (ABA Banking Journal)
Harland Clarke
7 Rules for Killer (and Impactful) KPI Building
Seven best practices for determining which key performance indicators are critical to your financial institution’s success.
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