ABA Banking Journal
March 26, 2021

This ABA Banking Journal newsletter is a free, twice-monthly supplement to the ABA Banking Journal magazine intended to help you stay on top of industry and policy news. You can also stay abreast of banking news by visiting aba.com/BankingJournal, home to ABA Daily Newsbytes stories, digital exclusives, the ABA Banking Journal Podcast and more.

Fidelity Information Services, LLC®
What if you could outpace change in commercial lending?
In uncertain times, forget everything you thought you knew about your customers’ financial health. As change accelerates, lenders need new levels of insight to stay on top of credit quality.
This white paper explains why it’s no longer enough to look backward at financials – and how to enrich your understanding of your customers and deals with proactive monitoring and a dynamic view of data. Read the paper and start using the power of knowledge.
Industry News
Banks have been a source of strength for the economy during the pandemic. A year into the crisis, the blunt instrument of leverage ratios is about to make it harder for banks of all sizes to support the recovery.
New standards designed for the digital era would strengthen security, prevent fraud and finally give consumers more control over their money.
The Q2 2021 ABA Credit Conditions Report finds that near-term expectations for credit quality and availability have improved markedly for both consumers and businesses, building on the recovery that began last quarter.
Data Center, Inc. (DCI)
Computer Services Inc
On the latest episode of the ABA Banking Journal Podcast, ABA Senior Counsel Shaun Kern discusses the OCC’s recent proposal to revise its rules on permissible bank premises for national banks and federal thrifts, as well as ABA’s call for the agency to withdraw the proposal.
Banks can become less reliant on third-party lead aggregators and reduce their cost of acquisition by better using what they already know.
Though the goals for passing of the reintroduced Enhancing Credit Opportunities in Rural America Act of 2021, commonly known as ECORA, haven’t changed much over the last few years, this Congress may have a better shot at leveling the playing field between farm banks and Farm Credit System lenders, ultimately giving struggling farmers and ranchers greater access to affordable credit options.
Jack Henry & Associates, Inc.
New Deposits at a Fraction of the Cost
By utilizing two key Jack Henry solutions, the SilverLake System® core processing platform and the Banno Digital Platform™, St. Louis-based Midwest BankCentre launched a separately branded digital institution (Rising Bank) in only six months. In its first year, Rising gathered over $130 million in new deposits at a fraction of the cost of traditional branch banking.

Read the Celent case study.
Policy News
In this episode, podcast co-hosts Evan Sparks and Monica C. Meinert review highlights from the ABA’s recent virtual Washington Summit. If you missed the Summit, tune in for insight and analysis on the past few days, and if you watched the virtual event, revisit all the highlights in just 20 minutes.
As part of its ongoing effort to support the transition away from the London Interbank Offered Rate, the Alternative Reference Rates Committee supplemented its recommended hardwired fallback language for syndicated and bilateral business loans that reference U.S. dollar Libor.
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told the House Financial Services Committee that, regarding his agency’s work on mitigating climate change-related risks, it is a “long-held policy of the Fed that we don’t tell banks what legal businesses they can lend to.”
First Source
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said that his agency is “not equipped to service individual commercial and retail accounts” and that doing so is currently “not permitted under law.”
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that banks “should have some ability ... to make returns to shareholders” through stock buybacks, which had been suspended earlier in the pandemic.
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network will issue an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking regarding the implementation of the beneficial ownership reporting requirements included in the Corporate Transparency Act, FinCEN Director Kenneth Blanco said at a virtual industry event.
Columbia Business School Executive Education®
The Strategic Leader Program (Live Online): How to Excel as Your Responsibility Increases
Designed for leaders transitioning to senior executive roles, this six-day program from Columbia Business School Executive Education broadens your knowledge, perspective, and understanding of strategic leadership, equipping you to deal with the demands of the more complex and disruptive environment of tomorrow.
The program offers concepts and tools that will enable you to enhance your personal, strategic, and interpersonal effectiveness.
The program begins October 4.

Learn More

March 29 - April 8
Virtual School: Wealth and Trust School – Foundational

March 30
Webinar: One Year On from COVID-19: The Dramatic Changes Occurring in the ATM Distribution Channel

April 1
Webinar: Post-Mortem Planning Techniques

April 1
Webinar: Addressing Racial Wealth Gaps Through MDI/CDFI Bank Investment

April 5 - 21
Virtual School: Financial Statement Analysis Workshop

April 5 - 30
Facilitated Training: The Banking Industry

April 7
Webinar: Wealth Management: The Future Starts Today

April 7 - 21
Virtual School: Compliance School – Foundational

April 12 - 23
Virtual School: Bank Marketing School

April 12 - June 4
Facilitated Training: Managing Interest Rate Risk 

April 28 - 29
Virtual Conference: Emerging Leaders Forum 




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