ABA Banking Journal
June 17, 2022

This ABA Banking Journal newsletter is a free, twice-monthly supplement to the ABA Banking Journal magazine intended to help you stay on top of industry and policy news. You can also stay abreast of banking news by visiting aba.com/BankingJournal, home to ABA Daily Newsbytes stories, digital exclusives, the ABA Banking Journal Podcast and more.

Industry News
ABA Economic Advisory Committee Chair Richard DeKaser offers the EAC’s consensus forecast that the Fed will indeed stick the landing, reducing inflation gradually without harming employment or causing a recession.
Enriched data from ISO 20022 is expected to spur new payment-related products and more insightful analysis into customer payment patterns
The advisory highlights behavioral and financial red flags to aid banks with identifying, preventing and reporting suspected abuse.
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In a national moment of increasing demand for financial education, banks are in a unique position to inform and inspire.
Limited inventory, supply chain disruptions, rising interest rates and more institutional investors in the market have made the homebuying process more onerous.
The cookies may be pre-packaged in plastic, but human touch remains essential to community banking. On this episode of the ABA Banking Journal Podcast, 1st Security Bank EVP Kelli Nielsen discusses how the retail banking customer experience is changing in the post-COVID era and why in-branch activity remains important. 
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Policy News
Lawmakers must “determine the structure of [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] and the secondary mortgage market for the post-conservatorship world,” the Federal Housing Finance Agency emphasized in its annual report to Congress.
ABA has joined a coalition of financial, insurance and employment trade groups in a letter supporting S. 4353, the bipartisan Retirement Improvement and Savings Enhancement to Supplement Healthy Investments for the Nest Egg Act, or the Rise and Shine Act.
Ahead of a markup in the House Financial Services Committee, ABA sent a memo to lawmakers expressing opposition for H.R. 4277, the Overdraft Protection Act. Sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), the bill would amend the Truth in Lending Act to make changes to existing overdraft rules.
Biz2Credit, Inc.
The CFPB is seeking public feedback “related to relationship banking and how consumers can assert the right to obtain timely responses to requests for information about their accounts from banks and credit unions with more than $10 billion in assets, as well as from their affiliates,” according to a recent request for information.
Top economic and regulatory officials at the Basel, Switzerland Bank for International Settlements emphasized the limits of the financial industry’s ability to reduce climate risk in a new article, calling it “unrealistic” to assume that the financial sector could drive the reallocation of resources needed to transition to a global green economy “in the absence of adequate environmental policymaking in the real economy.”
Any sincere effort to improve financial inclusion through credit unions must include comparable mechanisms to ensure accountability, the banking groups said.
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