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Counselling Corner
Karen Copeland was a guest blogger in the latest issue of the BC School Counsellor magazine. Check out her blog, where there are numerous articles on championing mental wellness in our communities. If you find yourself looking for ideas to promote mental health, or want someone to talk to your group; you'll find the information you seek here.
The Learning Curve
Neuroscience & Neurology; Psychology & Psychiatry; Health & Health Care: these are headings found at Brain Blogger, a website maintained by a collection of scientists. This collection of academics and health care professionals contribute to a top quality health and science blog. Edited by Dr. Shaheen Lakhan, this blog began by challenging traditionally separated health topics by taking the biopsychosocial model of health care, and writers collectively embraced and wrote to that end. Follow this blog and download podcasts for cutting edge research and information.
Lasalle College
With the onset of summer comes languid days and longer evenings. Sunshine brings families out of their homes and into the parks, streets, and trails around British Columbia. Some children register in sport camps and work to hone skills in their sport of interest. Some take lessons in something new - everything from horseback riding to skateboarding. But overall, the theme of summer needs to be play. That wonderful time when there is no expected outcome, when imagination takes hold and time recedes. We need to play and our children need to play. For an article outlining some of the healing aspects of play, please follow the link.
University of Guelph - Humber,
UBC Continuing Studies
Members Only
This article is from the May issue of Teacher Magazine and if you missed reading it there, be sure to follow the link and read it here. Re-capture those first two weeks of summer break that are lost to sheer exhaustion. Jokes abound about how lucky teachers are to have summers off but the truth is that even with this time away from the job, the stress follows many into vacation. Dr. Andrew Miki has some great tips for personal mental health care.
BC Counsellor Magazine
Looking for some great professional development over the summer? Check out the summer institute offered through Kelty Mental Health. This year, the theme is Promoting Mental Wellness in BC School Communities. Registration is now open for the two-day event at the Neville Scarfe Building on the Vancouver campus of UBC.



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