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Counselling Corner
Helping Families Deal with the Stress of Relocation After a Disaster has been summarized in the BC Counsellor magazine. The expanded article provides far more information for counsellors supporting families and youth who have relocated to their community, or been subjected to disaster in their own community.
The Learning Curve
Free To Be empowers boys and girls in grade 6-8 to reach their full potential by developing media literacy awareness, cultivating individual strengths, building resilience to social pressures that impact body image, and nurturing a positive social environment. Youth today spend copious amounts of time consuming media which impacts their attitudes and beliefs about who they should and should not aspire to be in life. The 6 hour, 6 session program, which is taught by a trained facilitator and reaches kids at a time when they are most vulnerable. Preliminary data analyses have shown that Free To Be increases positive body image, positive body image coping strategies, and decreases body dissatisfaction in both boys and girls. It has been implemented with over 1,000 students with very positive feedback from teachers, students, and parents. Some samples of student feedback are: "I really enjoyed this session and would be happy to do it again!", "I really enjoyed the whole unit. I learned a lot and it changed my perspective and affected my knowledge a lot in a positive way.", "I think Free to Be is a great program for kids who are self-conscious about themselves to love their looks/body."
Canadian Tourism College
Association of BC Forest Professionals
The summer of 2017 has marked itself on the calendars of BC residents as memorable. Records fell around the province, first with record rainfalls, then with record wildfires. Thousands of people were uprooted from their homes in situations fraught with danger, worry and anxiety. Recovery is still happening and the emotional toll on the province's residents is still to be counted. This article, from the BC Counsellor Magazine, summarizes ways for counsellors to provide support.
Across the Pond: UK Study Experts
Study Across The Pond
Across the Pond has helped students apply to universities in the United Kingdom since 2004. We offer free application support and guidance for all degree levels and are partnered with over forty universities in the U.K. Register for support on our website.
BC Play Therapy Association
Members Only
This is a fast-paced one-day workshop which features four models of expressive therapy. The workshop is designed to provide specific tools to professionals who work with children and youth. Presented in Vancouver at the Italian Cultural Centre on November 24th.
UK Law Degrees: Canada Law From Abroad
Study Across The Pond
CLFA provides free assistance for Canadians applying to top tier UK law schools. High school graduates can enrol in three-year LLB programs, including a range of combined Bachelor of Law’s with subjects. We work with guidance counsellors to provide the smoothest application process possible. To learn more, visit our website!
BC Counsellor Magazine
The Gift of Listening: A Guide to Mentoring Peers is a handbook designed to help young people explore ideas and learn skills in helping their peers. Peer mentoring means different things to different people. It commonly conjures up images of initiatives involving trained supporters working with equals. In this resource, peer mentoring is seen in a broader sense. It is akin to what has been called peer support - people sharing experience and knowledge with one another and offering emotional, social or practical help.



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