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Counselling Corner
Did you know that February 5 - 9, 2018, is Canadian School Counselling Week? Make sure to spread the word, and celebrate school counsellors everywhere. For packages of information and posters, follow the link below.
The Learning Curve
Stress is something we all have - and it can be helpful at times. In a survey done by the McCreary Centre Society, 40% of young people felt they managed their stress poorly. This led the Psychology Foundation to give some thought as to how adults can help youth better manage life's inevitable stressors. Building from the ground-breaking "Kids Have Stress, Too!" program, PFC has developed a curriculum-linked resource for grades 9-12 called "Stress Lessons: Tools for Resiliency". Follow the link to use this valuable tool.
Canadian Tourism College
Association of BC Forest Professionals
When is the last time you watched a video on YouTube? Recently? Most likely, considering these statistics from "The total number of people who use YouTube – 1,300,000,000. 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute! Almost 5 billion videos are watched on Youtube every single day. In an average month, 8 out of 10 18-to-49 year-olds watch YouTube." With all this watching, when is the last time you checked out the BC School Counsellors Association YouTube channel. You can link to it from the home page of the BCSCA website ( Sure, there may not be much there, and it may slightly out-of-date, but hey, you can help us update our channel. Send suggestions or original videos to our technology expert and watch our channel selections grow. Follow the link below directly to the channel.
Members Only
Trauma-informed - this is the descriptor many schools are reaching for through working with staffs and supporting community organizations. The work often centers around building awareness of our own reactions to others; ensuring we do not trigger past traumas. Check out page 8 in the current issue of Teacher magazine for a great article about how one former teacher turns spaces into healing spaces. She provides ideas that can be used in any classroom or office, adding more to making our schools trauma-informed.
BC Counsellor Magazine
Understanding the characteristics of good mental health can help a person manage their own health. This mental health meter describes mental health using the following categories: Ability to enjoy life; Resilience; Balance; Self-actualization; Flexibility. The meter is simple to use and scoring is immediate. Information included on the web page with the meter provides good examples of each of these categories and there are tips and suggestions with your score. Take a minute to take your mental health pulse.



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