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Counselling Corner

What are you doing this week? What are you doing today? This is the 68th year that Canadians will take time during the week to recognize their mental health. What can we do to stay healthy? We all have mental health, so let's work today to build and maintain a healthy society. #GetLoud

The Learning Curve

Chief Phil Lane shares one of the four songs of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf woman, which he says holds a message for our time in human history.

University Canada West

Do you follow Shelley Moore? A teacher specializing in inclusive education, Shelley creates fun, informative videos that are quick to watch and offer a nugget in each. So, why would counsellors be interested in inclusive education? Because we need to have a toolbox of ideas for use when collaborating with inclusion teachers to help advocate for our students who struggle with school. Check out Shelley's videos.

Why Choose CAEL CE
Paragon Testing Enterprises
CAEL CE is an academic English language proficiency test accepted by 100% of Canadian English-speaking universities. CAEL CE is the only test that provides an authentic representation of language use in a Canadian academic context. Registrations are available in the lower mainland, Vancouver Island, and across British Columbia at
Learn more
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School counsellors encounter all students and it is important in Canada's socio-political climate that they are culturally competent professionals. Adler University recently exposed their school counsellor students to a powerful experience in reconciliation through a combination of film viewing and dialogue with local elders of the First Nation community. For a review of the experience and outline of resources used, read the accompanying article.

Course Selection Time
Industry Training Authority
The skilled trades are a rewarding career path for young people across the province. With course selection underway, help your students select trades training programs in high school—Explore Trades, Train in Trades and Work in Trades.
See trades programs
BC Counsellor Magazine

The president of the BC School Counsellors Association, Dave Mackenzie, has worked tirelessly during his tenure to promote the role of school counsellors with various government ministries. The wheels of government grind along slowly, but the Minister of Education is beginning to recognize the importance of mental health in school-aged children. There are mulitple past efforts to promote good physical health in schools, but mental health has been ignored until recently. Read Dave's article, and consider how you might become an advocate in your community and begin a grassroots movement.




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