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Counselling Corner

Do you have a graduating student who may be interested in working on a degree in disability management? Worksafe BC and Pacific Coast University have partnered to offer scholarships to cover most of the tuition costs for each of the two years it will take students to complete the degree program. For more information, check out the website.

The Learning Curve

Pathways to Education is a national charitable organization breaking the cycle of poverty through education. The aim is to increase the high school graduation rate by one percent by supporting youth at risk of dropping out. Check out the information and take the "High School Dropout Disparity" quiz to test your knowledge on the issue.

University Canada West
Paragon Testing Enterprises

Do you interact regularly with a person affected by prenatal alcohol exposure? People who are born with FASD each bring a unique set of challenges with them to their world. Providing counselling can challenge the counsellor and client both as they find their working partnership. As in everything, knowledge is power and educating oneself as much as possible is helpful. This website has a newsletter that is full of information and resources and worth landing in your inbox regularly.

Free Help with UK Degree Applications
Study Across The Pond
Across the Pond has been helping students apply to UK universities since 2004!  We are here to help your students with their UK study applications and to answer their questions about life in the United Kingdom.  All of our advisors have studied in the UK and can provide insight into the UK study system and what it’s like to be a Canadian in the UK.
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Vancouver Island University
Stigma-Free Society
Members Only

The BC Counsellor magazine features a book review section in each issue. With the focus being on books relevant to school counsellors, there is a huge variety of options available to readers. Participating in the book review is an opportunity for you to increase both your knowledge and your book collection. To participate, find a book you would like to read. Contact the BC Counsellor magazine editor with your book proposal. The book will be shipped to you FREE. You simply read the book and write a review for the magazine. The book is yours to keep, FREE. To receive your FREE book, send your proposal to

Calling All Future Science Leaders
Science World - TELUS World of Science
Do you know a teen with that scientific spark? Going beyond the curriculum, Future Science Leaders is a weekly, after-school opportunity for teens who love science to immerse themselves in a richly innovative, technologically-forward and experimental environment. They’ll engage with experts and explore hands-on learning that’s designed to take them from launchpad to liftoff.
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BC Counsellor Magazine

This article on page 18 of the current Teacher Magazine is a reminder of the recent history of the BC First Nations people. This is important to keep in mind as a counsellor; the fact that what came before affects what is now. An exhibition such as this is one reminder. For more information, check out the article and do your own reflecting.




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