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Counselling Corner

29K (named after the observation that the human lifespan is typically about 29,000 days) is an open-source, co-created, non-profit app that provides users with a free and accessible suite of psychological tools meant to help support mental health, inner development, and civic leadership. 

The app offers on-demand psychological tools and longer multi week-courses that include exercises, micro-interventions, meditations, and action tasks. Users also have the option to get and give support to each other in small groups through text-chat and live-video sessions.

The guided meditations offered through this app are quite good and could be a helpful resource for clients and practitioners who might be trying to incorporate more mindfulness practice into daily routines. As the app is free and appears to collect minimal user data, it might be worth checking out and, potentially, sharing.

The Learning Curve

Inner Development Goals (IDGs) is a non-profit organization for inner development. Their mandate is to research, collect and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives. Many of these goals are closely connected to the work we already do and support as mental health professionals and may help provide an even larger context for how important the work of personal awareness and development and collective action is as we figure out how to navigate complex challenges such as social unrest and the changing climate. 

The full report on the Inner Development Goals and subsequent framework is linked here. You might also be interested in taking part in their survey, the results of which are meant to guide the ongoing refinement and adoption of the IDGs at

University Canada West

Looking to read more about the BC Mental Health in Schools strategy featured in the last issue of BC Counsellor? Old link to the provincial site for MH documents and resources no longer working? Check out the new(ish) home of the MHiS strategy as well as connections to mental health literacy, social and emotional learning, and trauma-informed practice on the provincial erase site.

Free anxiety program for families
Canadian Mental Health Association - BC Division®
Confident Parents: Thriving Kids - Anxiety helps BC families overcome anxiety challenges in children 3–12. Web- and phone-based coaching helps parents and caregivers learn effective skills and strategies for managing anxiety. By referral from physicians, teachers, school counsellors, clinicians and early childhood educators.
Make a referral online:
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
University of Victoria
Members Only

BCSCA membership pays!

As a BCSCA member, you have access to discount codes for workshops from a variety of pro-d providers including Jack Hirose & Associates, the Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute, and Mental Health Foundations. Check your email or the BCSCA members only Facebook page for codes to access these discounts. More information coming soon on the new BCSCA website.

BC Counsellor Magazine

Do you enjoy writing and have an idea or perspective you might be willing to share with colleagues around BC and beyond? Is there a technique you rely on that could help others in their work as mental health professionals? Consider writing an article for BC Counsellor! We are always looking for ideas and contributors, including Youth Voice authors (i.e. students who are open to sharing their experiences with or perspectives on mental health); these authors are also typically round and recommended by school counsellors. Please email publications chair, Shirley Giroux (, or see the attached author guidelines for more information.

Foundry BC
College of the Rockies



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