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Counselling Corner

In October 2022, the BC Government introduced Bill 36, the Health Professions and Occupations Act.

The BC Government’s news release states they will “begin regulating counsellors and then diagnostic and therapeutic professionals, and will continue finalising the amalgamation of colleges from 15 to six.” What will this mean for Registered Clinical Counsellors in BC?

The BCACC has put together a 13-page, in-depth look at Bill 36 as it relates to counsellors in BC, to help you understand the implications for our profession better.

Click the link to read the PDF from the BCACC.


Did you know that the student to school counsellor ratio outlined in the Collective Agreement is 693 to 1? (Click this link and scroll to Page 27)

This fascinating article from Charlie Health shows that, if BC were an American state, we would have the second worst ratio in the country.

In the most recent round of collective bargaining, no changes were made to class size and composition language, meaning that the 693:1 ratio will be upheld for another three years. This 20 year old ratio remains despite research based standards established by competent authorities which recommend a ratio of 250:1 (Click here to learn more from the American School Counsellor Association).

The Learning Curve

We are excited to once again partner with two organizations offering high-quality professional development to our members. During the 2022-2023 school year, BCSCA members can receive discounts on webinars, workshops and live trainings with Jack Hirose & Associates and Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI).

Jack Hirose 
20% off all live and on-demand webinars. Use code: BCSCA20
10% off in-person 1-day trainings. Use code: BCSCA1DAY 
10% off in-person 2-day trainings BCSCA2DAY

Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI)
15% off All webinars and public trainings. Use code: BCSCA15

We also invite you to join our BCSCA Members Only Facebook Group to take part in casual and professional conversations and learn about & share upcoming professional development opportunities. Search: BCSCA Members Only on facebook. 


The University of British Columbia is offering a FREE, 6-Week, Massive Open Online Course from February 14 - March 23. Click the link below to learn more.


Compass Mental Health through BC Children's Hopsital is offering three, 1-hour webinars:
January 17 @3-4PM: Anxiety
February 7 @3-4PM: Depression & Self-Harm
February 28 @3-4PM: Open Q&A

University Canada West

In the upcoming edition of BC Counsellor Magazine, we are honoured to feature research from Hope Studies Central at the University of Alberta. 

You can learn more, for free, on their website, linked below.

There are free online webinars, hope handouts, a counsellor's introduction to using hope tools, and more!

Free anxiety program for families
Canadian Mental Health Association - BC Division®
Confident Parents: Thriving Kids - Anxiety helps BC families overcome anxiety challenges in children 3–12. Web- and phone-based coaching helps parents and caregivers learn effective skills and strategies for managing anxiety. By referral from physicians, teachers, school counsellors, clinicians and early childhood educators.
Make a referral online:
University of Victoria
Members Only

Did you know February 6th - 10th is Canadian School Counselling week?

The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association has prepared a package of resources that you can use in your school and community to celebrate this important week. Check out the link below.


Kelty Mental Health at BC Children's Hospital has a variety of resources to support school counsellors in BC.

The new "Rolling with ADHD" resource for teachers was developed to provide ideas and strategies to help students with ADHD to thrive in the classroom. 

School counsellors who want to learn more about mental health promotion can also consult with the professionals at Kelty by e-mailing them at

There is also a 2-Page "Mental Health Supports & Resources" PDF that has a variety of webinars, podcasts, and other resources to help you support the mental health and well-being of your school community. Click below to learn more.

BC Counsellor Magazine

Do you enjoy writing and have an idea or perspective you might be willing to share with colleagues around BC and beyond? Is there a technique you rely on that could help others in their work as mental health professionals? Consider writing an article for BC Counsellor! We are always looking for ideas and contributors, including Youth Voice authors (i.e. students who are open to sharing their experiences with or perspectives on mental health); these authors are also typically round and recommended by school counsellors. Please email publications chair, William Nicholls-Allison (, or see the attached author guidelines for more information.

Foundry BC
College of the Rockies



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