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Counselling Corner

Have you read the most recent issue of BC Counsellor Magazine?

Dr. Antonio Santos, who studied and worked with Carl Rogers, contributed an article summarizing his experiences and reflections on therapeutic change in counselling. If you are interested in learning more about the Person-Centered Approach in counselling and therapy, then check out the Center for Studies of the Person website.

Click the link below to read Dr. Santos' article on the BC Counsellor Magazine web archive.


Family Smart has a variety of free online and over-the-phone resources for families in BC.

The BC Parent Peer Support program provides emotional support, information, resources, and help navigating services for parents and caregivers of any child, youth, or young adult with mental health and substance use challenges.

There are also online events for parents and caregivers, including the "Beyond Behaviours" presentation and facilitated discussion.

Family Smart's website also has resources, videos, and two different workshop offerings for families, schools, and professionals.

The Learning Curve

The BCTF Health and Wellness Program is designed to assist members in regaining a state of wellness, health, and productivity to sustain or return to a teaching assignment. It is funded by the BCTF Salary Indemnity Plan.

The Health and Wellness Program puts teachers in contact with professional rehabilitation consultants located in communities throughout the province. In consultation with your health care provider, these consultants will coordinate services that help to improve the teacher’s health and functional abilities.

Apply as a Teacher: You can apply by calling 1-800-663-9163

You can also self-refer or refer someone else by using the Referral Form

Click the link below to learn more

University Canada West

In the most recent edition of BC Counsellor Magazine, Claire Pitcher and Wanda Murphy write about advocating for positive change when working with children and youth experiencing mental health and substance use challenges.

Claire's perspective as a registered nurse who works with this population, and Wanda's perspective as a retired school counsellor, are both practical and inspirational for all of us who work to support children and youth with challenges.

Free mental health support for youth 13+
Canadian Mental Health Association - BC Division®
BounceBack®? is a free skill-building program designed to help individuals 13+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress, or worry. With workbooks, activities, and a trained coach to support, youth will learn strategies and skills to support them and their wellbeing. The program is available throughout BC for free, and there is no waitlist.
Learn more
University of Northern British Columbia
University of Victoria
Members Only

Have you registered for the 2023 BC School Counsellors' Association Conference yet?

This year, you can attend in-person or online to see a variety of interesting workshops, learn from our keynote speaker Monique Gray Smith (author of books such as "Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults", "When We Are Kind", and "I Hope"), and network with colleagues from across BC. 

For those attending in-person, there is also the Saturday Retreat:

The one-day retreat will give you the rare opportunity to place well-being at the forefront of your life in a safe and welcoming place surrounded by other educators and counsellors. It will provide an opportunity to recognize wellbeing as a priority in both your professional and personal development.

Too often we sacrifice our own well-being for that of our students, our families, and all the expectations on us. It's time to give yourself permission for a day of nourishment. Take this day to settle into the experience of ease and feeling nourished. 

Lisa Baylis will facilitate a day of wellness that will invite joy, peace and self-compassion to awaken the wellbeing in each of us.


We are excited to once again partner with two organizations offering high-quality professional development to our members. During the 2022-2023 school year, BCSCA members can receive discounts on webinars, workshops and live trainings with Jack Hirose & Associates and Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI).

Jack Hirose 
20% off all live and on-demand webinars. Use code: BCSCA20
10% off in-person one-day trainings. Use code: BCSCA1DAY 
10% off in-person two-day trainings BCSCA2DAY

Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI)
15% off all webinars and public trainings. Use code: BCSCA15


We invite you to join our BCSCA Members Only Facebook Group to take part in casual and professional conversations and learn about and share upcoming professional development opportunities. Search "BCSCA Members Only" on Facebook. 

Study Medicine or Veterinary Medicine in the Mediterranean
UNIC Medical School®
Located within the European Union, the University of Nicosia offers premier programs in both veterinary and medical education. The School of Veterinary Medicine features a 5-year innovative DVM program whereas the Medical School offers a dual-path MD program: a 6-year track for high school graduates and a 5-year track for those with an undergraduate degree in any discipline. Both DVM and MD programs comply with EU, American, British directives and global standards.
Lean more
BC Counsellor Magazine

Twice a year, the BC School Counsellors' Association publishes an issue of BC Counsellor magazine. Click this link to visit the issue library and read past issues of the magazine.

We are always looking for ideas and contributors. If you enjoy writing and have an idea for an article you would be willing to share with colleagues in BC and beyond, then please email publications chair, William Nicholls-Allison (, and see the attached author guidelines for more information.

The Spring 2024 edition will be the next issue, and the deadline for submissions will be in mid-January, 2024.

Click the link bellow to read the Writer Submission Guidelines.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University



We would appreciate your comments or suggestions.
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