The Catalyst

British Columbia School Counsellors' Association

Counselling Corner
Welcoming Schools
The website "Welcoming Schools" offers professional development tools and lessons designed for use in elementary schools. Topics covered are: Embracing Family Diversity, Creating LGBTQ-Inclusive Schools, Preventing Bias-Based Bullying, and Supporting Transgender and Gender Expansive Students. The resources found here are great and will give educators materials to help create learning environments in which all students are welcomed and respected.

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The Learning Curve
Bipolar Babes
There are numerous stigmas in society, particularly mental illness stigma, that contribute to our perceptions and attitudes of ourselves and others. The new Vancouver-based Stigma-Free Zone Superheroes classroom presentations program delivered by the Bipolar Society of British Columbia (BDSBC) encourages students to become stigma-free by claiming their classroom and eventually their school as a Stigma-Free Zone. The Program is inspired by the Society's Bipolar Babes Classroom Presentations Program that has been delivered on Vancouver Island with more than five years of tremendous success at

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Lasalle College
University of Victoria
Complex Trauma
As school counsellors, we are often faced with students presenting with depression, separation anxiety, Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD), Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Learning Disabilities (LD), Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Carolynn Turner of Lavender Counselling talks about how all these disorders may actually be masking a complex trauma. The potential misdiagnosis of behavioural manifestations of a complex trauma potentially means that specialized treatments may not be meeting the underlying needs of the client. Carolynn outlines a variety of ways to support students that is trauma informed, no matter the diagnosis.

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Members Only
Goals and Objectives
The BC School Counsellors Association executive is elected by the members to work for the association. As an executive team, goals and objectives are created that guide actions of the executive. These are presented at the annual general meeting, but you can find them again here. A strong association is built through the actions of everybody, so when the executive seeks input from the members, please add your voice.

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BC Counsellor Magazine
In Their Words
What do young people really want the adults in their lives to know about their gender identification? The students outlined in this article give meaning to the gendered language commonly used in society and specifically in BC classrooms. While habits may take a while to change, the first step is becoming aware of how language, especially when used casually and thoughtlessly, can affect people. Moving beyond language, there are many other challenges to being a student with a gender/sexual orientation difference in the school system. As teachers and counsellors consider these challenges, the evolution of change will have begun.

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B.C. School Counsellors Association
#792 — 916 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K7