The Catalyst

British Columbia School Counsellors' Association

Counselling Corner
UBC Summer Institute
Have you ever taken a course at the UBC Faculty of Education Summer Institute? If not, maybe this is the year to do so. The line-up this year is exciting and covers a wide spectrum of learning relevant to school counsellors. Check out the link to read more about: First Peoples Principles of Learning; Safe is Not Enough: SOGI Education and Leadership; or Assessment & Positive Behaviour Support in School & Community Settings among others. Locations vary by course around the province.

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The Learning Curve
Top 10 CBT Worksheets
Do you use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in your practice? Do you like worksheets? The two combine at this website where you will find useful information for the busy practitioner. While not too busy to sit with a student or client, creating homework assignments can be time consuming and these worksheets are clinically sound and easily accessed. Check them out and see if any are useful for you.

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Canadian Tourism College
Association of BC Forest Professionals
Teachers are susceptible to concussions
It was with great surprise to read the article by Diane Irvine and Allan Lee of the BCTF in the March, 2018, Teacher Magazine about teachers and concussions. Sitting in a counselling office may not make one prone to concussions, but building awareness around the risks and results of a blow to the head is important for all counsellors. If teachers are being hit in the head with a basketball, students are also vulnerable to blows to the head and therefore susceptible to the same concussion risks. This is short, but very interesting. See it on page 11.

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Members Only
Early Psychosis Intervention
Psychosis is treatable. In young people, too often the early signs are ignored or not recognized because they are attributed to drugs or teenage behaviour. Recognizing the early signs is important for school counsellors. Often school counsellors are the primary contact made by youth suffering from psychosis. Spend some time at this website for comprehensive information from symptoms to treatment.

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BC Counsellor Magazine
Respectful Futures
Respectful Futures is a program for youth that has been modelled on concepts from the program "Respectful Relationships" which has been used with great success in the education of men who have been convicted of domestic abuse. Respectful Futures, for youth, has the potential to provide youth with the tools needed to develop healthy and respectful relationships and to improve outcomes for them and their future relationships. The program was developed to correspond with the mandates developed by Violence Free BC.

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B.C. School Counsellors Association
#792 — 916 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K7