Recap of Successful Safety Stand Down 2014

The first week of June was an important one for the Builders Association - but it was more important for someone whose identity we have no way of knowing. Close to 40 contractors enthusiastically "stood down" for safety at 65 construction sites across Chicagoland – reaching over 3,200 construction workers – leaving no doubt at least one person went home from the job who might not have otherwise. 
This marks the second year the Builders Association has sponsored and coordinated the Chicago area Safety Stand Down. BA Chairman Jeff Raday said, "You know when contractors are shutting down their jobs for any length of time it’s because they know how important jobsite safety is and that they are committed to their employees’ well-being. I can’t thank them enough for being a part of this effort." Executive Director Dan McLaughlin added, "We had unprecedented cooperation from our contractors and after attending several Safety Stand Downs myself during that week, I am convinced this effort is worth every ounce of the resources we committed to organizing the activities." All Stand Down participants received hardhat stickers indicating their involvement in this year’s event.
The week prior to the Stand Down the Chicago City Council passed a Resolution in support of the Builders Association’s efforts regarding jobsite safety and applauded the Association for its 108 years of service to the Chicago area construction industry. Aldermen Pat O’Connor and Ed Burke made public statements thanking the Builders Association for providing the safety training that keeps so many Chicago residents safe and able to return home to their families each night. Participating Stand Down companies will soon receive commemorative frames of the Resolution alongside a photo from their respective events.
OSHA was a partner in the effort last year and because of that success, OSHA decided to promote the Safety Stand Down nationwide in 2014. Larry Joswiak, Assistant Area Director with the Chicago North Area OSHA office acknowledges, "OSHA appreciates the participation of the Builders Association in the National Fall Prevention Stand Down. Your participation will help OSHA reach its goal of 25,000 employers and 500,000 workers participating in the Stand Down nationwide. The economy is on the rebound, housing starts are on the rise, and the summer construction season is getting underway.  The time is right to raise awareness of fall prevention." 
In 2012 there were 269 job site fatalities due to falls and 700 construction fatalities nationwide. Thirteen fall fatalities were in our Region, with two occurring in the Chicago area.
Thanks again to our participating companies – please check out our Safety Stand Down photo gallery! We look forward to even greater participation in June 2015’s Stand Down.