Governor's Forum Recap - The Election is Right Around the Corner

The election is right around the corner – the Builders Association and Illinois Mechanical Specialty Contractors Association hosted a Construction Industry Forum to listen to the candidates for governor. Well over 100 contractors attended the Forum to hear the candidates address the issues facing businesses and construction in particular. Following a meet and greet reception, the attendees listened first to Bruce Rauner, the Republican candidate for Governor, in the adjacent auditorium. With his business and financial background, Mr. Rauner stated that his business and finance background would allow him to bring his experience to work for Illinois to grow businesses and increase hiring.
Governor Pat Quinn was unable to attend but his running mate, Lieutenant Governor candidate Paul Vallas, substituted in his place. Mr. Vallas cited his experience managing the finances and budgets of major school systems, and the many large construction projects that he has overseen in his different positions, as a valuable factor.  He plans to serve as a close advisor and partner to the Governor, if re-elected.  Both candidates fielded questions and enjoyed interacting with the many contractors at the Forum.
The event, held at Hamburger University at the Hyatt Lodge in Oak Brook, was also co-sponsored by the Illinois Contractors Industry Committee (ICIC) and Women Construction Owners and Executives (WCOE). 
(photo: Members of The Lombard Company pose with Dan McLaughlin, Executive Director; from left to right -
Dan Lombard, Mike Lombard, Dan McLaughlin, George Lombard, John Lombard)