Builders Association Hosts Luncheon for Mayor Emanuel

The Builders Association coordinated a fundraising lunch for Mayor Rahm Emanuel at the Drake Hotel last month, which was well received by the Mayor and the many associations and contractors in attendance. BA Executive Director, Dan McLaughlin, welcomed and thanked everyone for their support and participation. He stated to the Mayor that the unions support the mayor in their own way, while Home Builders and the Road Builders also have their own functions to do  the same. The Builders Association wanted to show its support from the contractor perspective of the vertical construction industry. 
Mayor Emanuel was very thankful for the support, and discused some of the issues his office has faced in his first term as well as several successes. It was a very informal and private setting which allowed for easy dialogue on construction in Chicago and the issues are members are experiencing. Mayor Emanuel, when asked, said he felt confident that both the Obama Library and George Lucas Museum would find homes in Chicago, which would provide many new construction jobs as well as serve as tourist draws to the city. He was happy to report that more people are moving into Chicago than any other major city in America. Mayor Emanuel added that his administration has brought in hundreds of new businesses and is working to make city government more efficient and accountable.
Scot Pepper, BA Government Relations Committee Member and Executive Vice President of Pepper Construction, commented, "I thought it was a well sponsored Builders Association event.  It allowed us to hear the mayor’s vision for economic development for the city, as well as having served as a venue for the contracting community to be heard."

The Builders Association thanks the following organizations for joining the Builders Association in supporting this event:

Finishing Contractors Association
Mechanical Contractors Association
Chicago Roofing Contractors Association
Electrical Contractors Association
Federation of Women Contractors
Plumbing Contractors Association
Sheet Metal Contractors Association
Mason Contractors Association
Association of Subcontractors and Affiliates