AGC Webinar: Successfully Implementing Lean as the Primary Advocate On a Project

AGC WebEd on November 2, 2016 from 2:00PM to 3:00PM EST

AGC Member Price: $79


If all stakeholders aren’t on board with Lean, can it work? How do you use Lean principles on construction projects where the GC is not an advocate of Lean? You can still improve your project outcomes even if all the stakeholders aren’t on board. In this webinar, learn how one Specialty Contractor has been effective using Lean by focusing his team on what they control.

Speaker: Ted Angelo, Executive Vice President of Grunau

As Grunau’s Executive Vice President since 1990, Ted handles all insurance, safety, labor and legal issues, and oversees operations in the Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Youngstown, and Orlando offices.  He is also responsible for Lean Construction throughout the company, a construction philosophy that seeks to continually examine processes to provide greater value to customers without waste.  Ted is author of the book "Lean Construction, One Company’s Journey to Success", copyright 2012.

Ted joined Grunau in 1977 as a project manager/engineer of hospital and brewery projects throughout the country. Ten years later, he was promoted to vice president of operations, where he was responsible for planning, productivity, and cost control of all Grunau operations.

Ted attended Arizona State University and University of Wisconsin-Madison. He completed WCM Associates’ Lean Master Facilitator program at Milwaukee School of Engineering. Besides OSHA 10-hour and 30-hour trained, he is also an authorized OSHA Construction Outreach Trainer from the National Safety Education Center.

Ted holds a plumber’s license in the states of Wisconsin and Florida. He is a member of the Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association-Wisconsin (SMACNA) Labor Committee and Board of Directors. Ted also serves on the Board of Directors for Churchill Casualty LTD (insurance), and is Chairman of the Lean Construction Institute (LCI), Central Florida Chapter.

As a Lean Construction advocate, Ted has been a speaker and instructor at various Lean symposiums including the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), SMACNA, LCI, Association of Manufacturing Excellence (AME), Universal Studios, Health Payment Systems, Metal Construction Association, The Opus Group, WCM Associates,  Churchill Casualty, and the Canadian Construction Association. He also teaches a 5-day Lean course and assists with Lean implementation for APi Group, Inc. sister companies.

Moderator: Mark Federle, McShane Chair in Construction Engineering, Marquette University

Mark is the McShane Chair in Construction Engineering in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Marquette University. Mark also serves as a member of the AGC Lean Construction Forum Steering Committee and Chair of its Events Subforum.

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