Recruiting Tip of the Month

Want to Avoid Bad Hires?
Learn to Spot Bad Attitudes

Some recruitment tips from member DK Cole that may include the following:

1) Observe Candidates Outside of Typical Interview Settings:

If you’re like most business people, you’re interviewing in your office, or meeting over lunch or dinner, depending on circumstances. Try creating unique settings during the process, such as inviting candidates to industry networking events where you may watch their interactions with others. You may follow up with designated employees in attendance for their feedback as well.

2) Test Them When They’re Unaware:

Recently, DK Cole read about an executive of a global company who pretended to have a heart attack while he was interviewing a VP, just to see how quickly he would act! A less dramatic example some clients have used involved inviting the candidate to dinner where the wait staff was previously asked to bring a wrong item so they could observe how the candidate responded. Another client intentionally dropped a pen at a candidate’s feet as they were walking out of a conference room to see if the candidate would retrieve it for her (they didn't).

3) Thorough References:

It’s always a good idea to go beyond traditional reference questions and ask specifics. If you have a concern about the candidate, put it on the table with references. It’s much easier for someone to validate your instincts rather than initiating negative commentary. An example might be, "I got the impression Chris may struggle a bit with maintaining a positive attitude under stress. Did you find that to be the case?"