Register for 2018 Lean Construction Education Program!

Registration for our 2018 Lean Construction Education Program is available online! The series will be held on Wednedays February 28, April 11, April 25, May 9, and May 23. Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) developed the Lean Construction Education Program to help its members develop the tools necessary to build lean. Chicagoland construction professionals at all experience levels have taken Lean Education courses through the Education & Training Foundation to acquire the building blocks necessary to transform their projects and companies into lean operating systems. We are pleased to offer all seven units again this year. After successful completion of all seven units individuals will be eligible to take the Lean Certificate of Management Credentialing Exam. Please note: Unit 7 will occur before Unit 6 to accommodate instructor schedules. Prerequisite knowledge from Unit 6 is not required to successfully complete Unit 7.