Energy Excellence Being Honored by the NYECC
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Every September, the New York Energy Consumers Council
(NYECC) honors organizations or individuals who have demonstrated exceptional
qualities of vision, innovation and leadership in strengthening the energy
reliability and economic competitiveness of New York, with its Energy New York
Award (ENYA). The Nominating Committee confers the awards on the basis of
individual contribution, leadership, originality and uniqueness.
This year’s honorees will receive their awards at the
Tribeca Rooftop venue, on the evening of Sept. 30, at the official 2015 ENYA Awards Celebration.
And you’re invited to attend!
NYECC members will receive two complimentary
tickets and can purchase additional tickets at the reduced price of $75 each.
Tickets for non-NYECC members are $175 each.
For more information on tickets
and how to become involved, contact NYECC Executive Director Diana Sweeney at
212-616-5118, or |