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June 2014
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Orlando Convention Notebook: Making Maestros and More

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The following is based on original reporting, and from BOMA International and Bisnow dispatches. 

Truthfully—How Fascinating Are You?

Convention-goers at the BOMA International Every Building Conference and Expo in Orlando got the truth at the opening session when renowned author and speaker Sally Hogshead keynoted the general session, and lent her powerful insight on the maestros and other personality types in the audience.

The key, according to Hogshead, is not to push the envelope on the scintillating side, but to be...less boring! She came to that conclusion after studying 100,000 individuals, which she then broke in 49 personality types based on these seven "fascinating advantages": innovation, passion, power, prestige, trust, mystique, and alertness. As she walked attendees through an exercise to discover their type, she also passed along the secret that 10.5 percent of BOMA members are Maestros, a combination of power and prestige. Maestros are masters at being ambitious, focused and confident, she believes. And high performers share these four powerful traits: 1) provide a specific benefit, 2) are worth more than they're paid, 3) over-deliver in one area, and 4) are the top choice even when a product is lower quality or at a higher price.

So how fascinatingly beneficial are you? If you missed Orlando, give yourself the test at her website,

Work Those Rebates!

Ten of Liberty Property Trust’s Philadelphia existing buildings--each ranging in size, age and sustainability--are now sustainability standard-bearers after the company put them through a multi-year program beginning in 2010. It achieved the following (results are still being reviewed):

•    Average Energy Star scores rose from 63 to 79
•    Occupancy increased from 82 percent to 96 percent over four years
•    HVAC costs were cut from $1.65 psf to $.30 psf; lighting is saving $.25 psf    
    More than 800 deficiencies were unearthed and are being addressed via re-commissioning
    15% weather-normalized energy reduction
    Cost savings of $0.92 per occupied SF, with an estimated 3-year payback

And sweetening the entire pie was the fact that half of the $4.2 million PECO/DOE Smart Grid project costs was funded by a federal grant, and they received approximately $189,000 in utility rebates.

Making Boomers and Millennials See Eye to Eye

Boomers--you are no longer the majority. Gen Y, combined with the Millennials, have taken the lead by a slim one percent , according to Jon Goldman of Brand Launcher, who headlined one of the Conference general sessions on Sunday.

And that makes for a sea change in management style. Boomers, who were more used to following authority (hard to believe for the Do Your Own Thing generation, but true) are finding that does not work with those reared decades later. To make business thrive, he recommends Boomers take on the role of coach and look far beyond the financial. Gen Y/Millennials are far more overt about seeking meaning, common culture and values.

The "everyone gets a trophy" culture of the younger set has been particularly hard for Baby Boomers to accept, yet Goldman’s data finds a silver lining in the practice: those companies that regularly recognize accomplishment and show appreciation for employees are  for contribution report a rate of 600 percent greater profitability than the competitions.

Why Certify Green Or BOMA 360?

There are at least seven good reasons, BOMA International’s panelists told conference-goers Tuesday:

Green buildings enjoy 1) higher leasing rates, 2) tenant retention, and 3) operating costs savings. 4) market leader, 5) differentiates your building and company from the competition, 6) proves that you really are green and perhaps most importantly, 7) increases both occupant health and productivity.

Need one more reason? Panelists cited a Kingsley study showing that 94 percent of tenants in BOMA 360-certified buildings report higher overall satisfaction in all 54 quantitative rating areas than non BOMA 360-certified buildings.

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