BOMA Facts

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

As mentioned in the November Newsletter, the U.S. House and Senate released their own versions of the tax reform bills. The U.S. Senate’s version, “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” bill has moved to the Senate floor for debate. The bill released by the House of Representatives passed a vote in the House last month. These steps are an important breakthrough to both bills becoming laws.


Upcoming Conferences

As the end of the year approaches, we would like to remind everyone of upcoming conferences such as the BOMA International 2018 Winter Business Meeting & National Issues Conference,  January 28-31, 2018 in Washington, D.C. and the 2018 Medical Office Buildings and Healthcare Real Estate Conference May 9-11, 2018 in Houston, TX. Both conferences are great opportunities to connect with experts and peers and gather new insights on the real estate industry.


Office Standard Methods of Measurement

Office buildings are continuously evolving with new designs and tenant demands. BOMA International has released the newest version of its office standard, BOMA 2017 Office Buildings: Standard Methods of Measurement (ANSI/BOMA Z65.1 – 2017). This office standard has an easy to follow layout with helpful hints, detailed illustrations and important updates that reflect ongoing changes in the industry.