Meanwhile, the City is racing ahead with its efforts to develop a commercial waste franchising system. They have released a draft program, with a “final” to follow soon. The plan would still require years of public and environmental review, with opportunities for input all along. We continue to meet regularly with allies to develop strategies, such as the alternative legislation we had introduced through Councilman Robert Cornegy, for solving problems with commercial waste management without employing a franchising system. Councilman Cornegy is scheduled to be a guest speaker at our September Board Meeting.
And don’t forget, this is a code revision year. Many BOMA New York members have and continue to serve on about a dozen code revision committees. As the proposed revisions come in, they get one last review by the Management Committee, on which we serve. These meetings have begun and should be kicking in on a regular basis in the upcoming months. If you become aware of any code revision issues that are of concern, please let us know and we will share those concerns with the Management Committee.