Rebates for Simple Upgrades: Follow this link to a greener bottom line: and become part of Con Edison’s Green Team.
It’s one-stop shopping for simple ways to green your building and get cash back, such as $15 for every Exit sign upgrade and $75 for every outdated light bulb you replace with efficient bulbs. You can obtain equipment rebates, performance-based incentives, 50% funding for technical feasibility studies up to $65,000, and much more. There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain—don’t leave money on the table!
DOB violations: As of September 22, if you received a DOB violation and wish to admit to the charge, you do not have to attend a hearing at the Environmental Control Board, the City’s administrative adjudicator. If you plead guilty, you can pay the minimum penalty by mail any time before, or the day of, the scheduled hearing.
FDNY Letter of Defect: Effective December 31st, the self-certification letter of defect program has been suspended.