BOMA International Conference and Expo: Achieving High Performance Through Innovation

You don’t want to miss The 2012 Every Building Conference & Expo in Seattle, June 24 through the 26!

The 2012 Every Building Conference & Expo is the best forum for staying on top of your game. You'll learn how innovation can result in better business practices and smarter buildings. And, you'll hear from experts about solutions to the market's tough challenges, while building relationships and identifying new opportunities to fuel your

At The 2012 Every Building Conference & Expo you will also be able to take advantage of the many career — and business — enhancing opportunities. More than 40 sessions in five targeted tracks offer fresh ideas, creative solutions and cost-effective innovations for optimizing asset values, embedding sustainability initiatives into operational practices, honing leadership skills, cultivating next-generation talent and much more.

Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense under both Presidents Barack H. Obama and George W. Bush and a major force in winding down the Iraq war, will keynote. He will share his insight as an advisor to eight U.S. presidents and his role in driving U.S. intelligence and defense policies over the past four-and-a-half decades.

Also speaking are: AT&T’s Ronald W. Cook, AVP, Support and International Real Estate; Cisco’s Gordon Feller, Director, Urban Innovations Internet Business Solutions Group; Shorenstein’s Andrew R. Friedman Managing Director, Capital Transactions, and Gensler’s Karen H. Thomas, AIA Managing Director.

Five content tracks are shaping the workshops and seminars:

• Maximizing Asset and Portfolio Performance
• Creating and Sustaining High Performance Buildings
• High Performance Leadership
• Operation: Innovation
• Engineering Better Bottom Lines

For pricing/registration information and more details, click here